Simplify Your Kitchen and Get the Room You Always Wanted

Creating a simple, organized and calm kitchen may be easier than you think. The kitchen is the heart of the home, and having a place of peace where you can gather with your friends and family to create warm filling meals can change the whole atmosphere of your home. If dread walking into your kitchen now because of the pile of dishes, the stack of mail, the sticky countertops, then know that it doesn’t need to be this way. It all starts with simplifying your kitchen in a number of ways that turns it from just a utility room into … Continue reading

Managing Your Mail

We often think of clutter in the way of large items and “stuff.” But paper can be a real source of clutter, especially the mail. This is a real thorn in my side because although I manage my mail, my husband doesn’t. So he has piles of paper, all stuff that has come in the mail, in various areas. Honestly, if it weren’t for online bill paying, I don’t know how he would do it because you can’t find anything. But I will ignore his piles and just share with you what I have done. And yes, I have tried … Continue reading

The Opposite of Hoarding

Last night I got together with a few friends, who are also single, and we started talking about what needs to be done around our homes. I need help finishing my bedroom, I’m tearing out the existing closets to build one big one. The girls agreed to help and then Nancy asked us to help her. She said she is a hoarder and needs us to help get rid of all the stuff she has accumulated. You cannot imagine how excited I am! I am the anti hoarder, my friends make fun of me for my frequent purges. It’s really … Continue reading

Overcoming Procrastination

Do you feel like you can never accomplish what you would like to in your house because you are a procrastinator? Good intentions will get you nowhere. But I can relate. In fact, I have been procrastinating on several projects in the home that I need to tackle. So how can we overcome procrastination? Here are 5 ways that can help stop us from putting things off… First, break down the bigger jobs that you need to tackle. One of my biggest tasks to get done is the basement. We have so much junk. But when I think about the … Continue reading

Get A Bunch of Free Books for Your Kindle!

There are plenty of people who were given a Kindle as a Christmas gift. Does that describe you? If so, then you have probably purchased and downloaded a few books by your favorite authors. You might have selected some classics, as well. Now is the time to check out the many books for Kindle that you can download for free. Kindle is an electronic book reader. It makes a nice gift for people who love to read. Family members of people who are big readers might hope that by giving that person a Kindle, there would be a few less … Continue reading

Goals for a Clean House

It’s almost a brand new year, you know what that means, resolutions. Do you make resolutions? I do, I just try to call them goals instead of resolutions. I also follow the advice of stating my goals in a positive way, instead of saying I won’t or this year I quit, I say I will and this year I will. I tried stating it as something that has already happened but convincing myself that I was wealthy and self employed was a little difficult. The list is long, but there is good stuff on it. I always reach high, if … Continue reading

Learning to Simplify

Life is more complicated than ever before. Most homes have two incomes and if not are caught in a constant struggle of making ends meet. Kids are involved in sports, music, social activities, art classes and anything else they can be signed up for to ensure they are fit for society. Our homes are filled with computers, laptops, furniture, books, curriculum, magazines, toys, gadgets, and everything new or sentimental we cannot throw away. Our lives are filled with obligations to family, church, friends and finding a way to keep our heads above water. We are all busy and we are … Continue reading

Clean Kitchen Sinks

We have been tackling the kitchen, focusing on appliances but today I want to talk about the sink. Now to some this may not be a big deal but to others (myself included), I just cannot handle having a dirty sink. I can’t stand seeing food or grease caked on or splattered all over my sinks. I find it very unappealing. Keeping my sinks clean on a daily basis is just one of those things that are important to me. And it can be done with very little effort and time. Several years ago I was introduced to “FlyLady,” an … Continue reading

Buy, Buy Baby?

Preparing for a new baby can be expensive. When I was preparing for the birth of my son, I was confused and overwhelmed by the seemingly endless array of baby products that are available. Friends and family wanted me to register for baby shower gifts, and so I did but I really had no idea whether we really needed all of the things that I was picking out. Fortunately, I did a good job of guessing (mostly) and chose things that ended up working well for us. After my son was born, I realized that we had chosen to forego … Continue reading

Creating Peace in the Home

It is important to create a sense of peace in the home. Your home should be a sanctuary to which everyone wants to come and stay. Having peace in the home will also influence the success and happiness for all of the members of the family. If everyone is happy at home, they can go out into the world from a good balanced place. Here are some thoughts on creating that sense of peace. It is hard to have a sense of peace in the home where chaos rules. That is why a home should be somewhat tidy. Notice I … Continue reading