Marriage Tips: Bedroom Makeover

You may be wondering what a bedroom makeover can have to do with bringing you and your spouse closer together in your relationship, but there’s a great deal to be said for working together on the one space in your home that represents the intimacy of your relationship. The bedroom is the heart of that, not just the sexual intimacy, but the quiet intimacies, the private moments, the snuggling, the comforting and the art of just being together. The bedroom is where you and your spouse can just be yourselves. You do not entertain there, your children come in to … Continue reading

Rate Your Bedroom

What kind of master bedroom do you have? Is it romantic, sophisticated, average, or boring? If you had to describe the space you share with your spouse in one word, what would that word be? A married couple’s bedroom should be a retreat, a sanctuary from the outside world. That means even from the rest of the household, even the kids sometimes. It should be a comfortable, relaxing area where you and your spouse can talk or even just hide out once in a while for a few moments so that you can catch your breath. Today, families tend to … Continue reading

Change Your Bedding, Change Your Sex Life

Even though the title might suggest such, I’m not about to tell you how to salvage a slumping sex life by simply putting fresh sheets on your bed. (Although, if it has been weeks since you changed them, I could see how that might help.) Rather, I’m talking a makeover for your bed. Courtney, you do realize we’re in the midst of recession, right? Weren’t you the one freaking out about it not too long ago and coming up with ways to survive it without spending a lot of cash? Why, what a great memory you have! Yes, in fact … Continue reading

Relationships Teach, They Do Not Fail

Is that an overly optimistic view of relationships and how they work? Potentially, but bear with me a moment as I discuss this topic because it’s important to me. I believe that every relationship I’ve ever had in my life has led to the relationship I have with my husband. I think in some ways, as cliché as it may sound, if I hadn’t traveled the road I did, I may not have met him nor had the experience from those relationships that helped to make this one work. When I was younger and stupider (okay, perhaps not stupider but … Continue reading

Picking The Perfect Valentine’s Day Movie

Valentine’s Day is almost here. In previous blogs I’ve given you unique gift ideas, affordable gift ideas, over-the-top gift ideas, and simple gift ideas—so basically you have no excuse not to be prepared tomorrow. For those of you who rather not shower your sweetheart with presents, but rather give him or her the gift of your presence, this blog may come in handy. There is nothing wrong about spending Valentine’s at home. A quiet romantic dinner for two is nothing to complain about (nor is a rousing dinner with five kids over a heart-shaped pepperoni pizza). Whether you will be … Continue reading

Romance is in the Air

The worst thing one spouse can do to another is to take them for granted. So one of the best things you can do for your spouse is to keep the fun and the romance in the relationship and the way to do this is to be creative about your date nights and interactions. The following tips can help you create a great atmosphere and romance with each other: You and your spouse can find some spark by: Starlight Picnic – Put together a basket of finger foods, a blanket and a portable music player (MP3 or CD) and take … Continue reading