Cities with the Best Air Quality

Honeywell AirGenius has announced the best cities as far as air quality goes and I am not shocked to find Memphis was nowhere close. Well, I shouldn’t saw nowhere close because we did rank in the top 100 – 82nd. Hey, we are ranked above Los Angeles, St. Louis, Dallas-Forth Worth, and Philadelphia. I read a statistic recently that said we take over 21,500 breaths a day, but we often don’t think about exactly what we are taking in with each of those breaths. The AirGenius Awards were based on airborne pollen levels, particulates air population, and smoking regulations. If … Continue reading

Fresh Air and Sunshine

I can’t seem to shake this cold. All the cleaning and disinfecting does not seem to be helping. Today I decided to let Mother Nature help get rid of the germs. It was sunny but still cold so I turned off the furnace, put on a coat and opened all the doors and windows. I left the house open for about ten minutes. Long enough to be able to feel the outside air moving around in the house and then I shut everything up. Already the house seems cleaner, fresher, like all the negative energy and germs have been blown … Continue reading

Free Hair Color From Clairol – This Friday The Thirteenth!

To the superstitious, Friday the thirteenth is a day to be especially wary. To those who desire to scare away their gray hair with a nice, new, natural looking hair color, Friday the thirteenth might just be your lucky day! Clairol will be giving away a free box of Natural Instincts Vibrant hair color on Friday, May 13, 2011. Some women become extremely upset when they find their first gray hair. They consider the existence of even one gray hair to be a proof that they are “getting old”. Or, at least, a sign that they are no longer teenagers, … Continue reading

Furniture Rearranging for Low Cost Freshened Home Decor

I often complain about furniture rearranging as it generally means decorating one room at the detriment of the style of other rooms. Still, I found myself furniture rearranging all last week. This does not mean that I am eating my words though. All of my rooms were pretty well decorated. I just wanted a change. In this case, furniture rearranging can be a good thing. It all started in my daughter’s bedroom. We started with painting my daughter’s room as discussed in this post. After painting the room, we ended up raiding my bedroom as I had several accessories that … Continue reading

Maggie Hogan: A Breath of Fresh Air

My husband and I sat in a huge room while we watched this older lady greet tearful mother after tearful mother. She gave hugs and nodded her head understandingly. She doled out advice, and seemed to genuinely empathize with those to whom she spoke. In fact, she was so empathetic to all those who came up to her, that she started the talk we were waiting for about ten minutes late with the apology: “I’m sorry. Sometimes we all just need someone who has been there and done that.” Exactly. I was there because I needed to hear from someone … Continue reading

Hot Days (and Hot Dogs) Ahead

The temperature yesterday was in the 70s in the Portland, Oregon area. By tomorrow, forecasts are calling for temperatures in the 90s! It looks to me like summer is coming… and coming fast. Dealing with the heat is somewhat easier for people than for pets. After all, we have thumbs for turning on the air conditioning… or the option of escaping to a cool, dark movie theater when the sun is too much. Some dogs do love the sun and heat, though. My brother’s American Staffordshire Terrier Lily Biscuits just loves sunshine. She’ll sprawl out on the warm concrete sidewalk … Continue reading

Oprah Furious with Phil

I told you Dr. Phil has no friends… Just days after Dr. Phil McGraw’s pathetic attempt at a public apology regarding his role in the Britney Spears brouhaha hit airways the TV shrink’s famous boss is reportedly steaming. Like a bad rash this story just won’t go away. Today, even more fallout from Dr. Phil’s controversial meeting with the 26-year-old trainwreck is making headlines and this time it centers on McGraw’s gravy train conductor Oprah Winfrey. First Brit’s parents publicly reamed the syndicated talk show host for blabbing to the media about his visit to the derailed singer while she … Continue reading

Dr. Phil Smells Fresh Meat and Her Name is Britney Spears

Quick… name the one person you would have least expected to show up at Britney Spears’s hospital room to offer psychological aid to the embattled songstress. Okay, besides Robin Williams. If you answered Dr. Phil McGraw go out and buy yourself a lottery ticket. Dr. Phil… Britney Spears… could the insanity meter gauging this drama peak any more? You’ve got a 26-year-old head shaving, bird flipping, finger lickin’ mother of two young sons who appears to have serious psychological problems and you throw an oversized, over-hyped, TV quack into the mix… Apocalypse now. And the sad part is that Dr. … Continue reading

Common Freshwater Fish Diseases

Yes, even fish can get sick! Here is a list of some common freshwater fish diseases, symptoms, and treatments. Before you treat your fish, be sure you properly diagnose your fish and figure out why they are sick. There may be water quality or food issues that need to be taken care of before you can cure your fish! Many diseases are a result of the stress of transport, so take time to acclimate your fish to your tank. Ammonia poisoning — symptoms include red or inflamed gills. You may see your fish gasping for air at the surface of … Continue reading

Family Fun At The State Fair—A Day Of Pig Races And Deep Fried Pickles

There aren’t too many places on the planet where you can watch a retired NASCAR announcer provide color commentary on a race between four pot-bellied pigs speeding around a sawdust track, and then 2 hours later gnaw unforgivably on a deep fried pork chop-on-a-stick. It happens daily at the Wisconsin State Fair. The annual 10-day event is famous around these parts for deep-fried everything, food-on-a-stick, a giant slide and world-class agricultural venues. What more could you ask for, right? That was my thought when I decided to brave the crowds (more than 800,000 descend on State Fair Park in Milwaukee … Continue reading