Really Clean Sheets

How often do you wash your bed sheets? A few years ago Oprah interviewed a “germ expert” who mentioned that bed linen should be washed in extremely hot water every 3 days. A gasp went up from the audience and it was later revealed that the majority of Oprah’s fans routinely sanitized their sheets bi-monthly. So, in case you answered “twice a month—at best” you needn’t feel bad… though you may feel itchy. According to scientists, during the night your body sheds cells, which mites live off of. What’s more, doctors say breathing those microbes in as you sleep can … Continue reading

Travel Tidbits For Food Lovers, Pet Lovers and Sheet Lovers

FREE FOOD FOR NEAT FREAKS Apparently no good deed will go un-rewarded at one of the nation’s busiest airports. According to airport management, if you’re spotted picking up and throwing away trash at Cleveland’s Hopkins International Airport, you could win a discount on your next purchase at an airport establishment. The airport’s new incentive program begins early next year to reward fliers and visitors who help keep the airport tidy. A local newspaper is reporting that airport employees will be handing out coupons for discounts on food and other items to anyone spotted pitching in. The program is part of … Continue reading

Are You A Sheet Snob?

Are you a sheet snob? I don’t mean a sheet hog… as in you have a tendency to steal the sheet and blankets from the person with whom you share a bed. I mean do you refuse to sleep on a bed unless it is fitted with sheets that have a thread count of less than 800, 500 or 200 (the higher the thread count the softer the sheet–200 is standard)? A new study shows that most home good’s buyers are reluctant to purchase sheets that are under 200. My take on that is this: most stores don’t offer sheet … Continue reading

Occupations of Our Ancestors

One of my favorite things about genealogy is the language. I am a self-professed lover of words, and I’m always looking to increase my vocabulary. Today I came across some fun words that come from occupations that our ancestors may have had back in the day. You just don’t run into many chiffoniers these days, and even those people who do make wigs for a living may not call themselves that anymore. Do you work in an office that employs an amanuensis? If the secretary greets you as you walk in the door, then you most certainly do. Just today, … Continue reading

Types Of Pillows

In previous blogs I discussed different types of pillow fill material and what pillows can help allergy sufferers get a good night’s sleep. This blog is dedicated to the different types of pillows that you wouldn’t necessarily use to get some serious zzz’s, but are wonderful additions to your home’s décor nonetheless. Decorative Pillows. My mom is a nut for deco pillows, especially in the bedroom. (My poor dad spends about 10 minutes each night removing deco pillows from his side of the bed. She has so many deco pillows it’s hard to tell there’s a mattress underneath. My 2-year-old … Continue reading

The Right Pillow For Allergy Sufferers

In a previous blog I provided tips on replacing your worn bed pillows. I also listed various types of filling the majority of pillow manufacturers use. If you suffer from allergies (like me) than finding the right pillow fill material is critical to achieving a good night’s sleep. Shortly after undergoing sinus surgery I found I was even more sensitive to allergens so my mom went out and bought every kind of “alternative-fill” pillow that existed. (I felt like Goldilocks trying to find just the right one—this one is too soft… this one is too hard… you get the idea.) … Continue reading

Picking The Right Pillow

Are you picky about the type of pillow you rest your head on? Some people love big, fluffy pillows, while others can’t sleep on anything but firm, dense pillows. I happen to have severe sinus issues, which means I sleep on a firm, hypoallergenic pillow. Most people have pillow preferences, but are unclear as to when it is necessary to replace their beloved bedtime buddies. If you fall into that category, here’s a test you can give your pillows: Place your pillow on a sturdy surface (the floor is best) and fold it in half. If you have a feather … Continue reading

Celebrity Inspired Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas

Sure, a red rose is a symbol of love, but I don’t know any woman who would turn down a bouquet of pink roses, especially if the flowers were paired with a fragrance that would last long after the arrangement wilted. Enter famous fashion designer Vera Wang. The popular wedding dress creator knows that roses are always in fashion on Valentine’s Day and she’s using that to her advantage. This year Wang is teaming up with to offer “Love Day” gift-givers the perfect way to say, “I adore you.” The florist is offering a selection of soft pink roses … Continue reading

New York Fashion Week—–Hot Trends For Fall

Fashion Week is underway in New York City and while the BIG names in fashion, including Marc Jacobs, Calvin Klein and Vera Wang have yet to unveil their collections experts say they are already spotting hot, new trends. It seems you should stick with your New Year’s exercise regime if you want to look good in the hot new looks for Fall 2007. According to fashion editors, fitter, tailored clothes are among the must-have items this season. As for the popular colors–winter whites, beige-tone neutrals, plum, green and teal are hot for fall. Look for the trends in fashion magazines … Continue reading

My Home Is A Stage

If the world is a stage then my home should be considered an off-off-off Broadway theatre. Ever since my daughter could say “ta-da,” she’s been using our home as her stage. From dancing hula to singing her favorite nursery rhymes, her nightly routines have become fan favorites around here. Of course, if one is going to perform for a crowd of well-wishers (most of which are stuffed and have four legs), then naturally one needs a proper place to showcase such stellar talent. No, we didn’t construct an actual stage for her (she prefers standing on her bed), but I … Continue reading