Five Ways to Get the Best Insurance Rates

Even in the worst of times, it usually does not make sense to cut back on insurance. You never know when a disaster might hit. Being properly insured can save you from disaster. When money is tight, it is better to reduce the cost of insurance rather than eliminate it. Try the following five ways to get the best insurance rates and reduce your cost. 1. Buy all of your policies in the same place Most insurers will give you discounts when you buy multiple policies with them and may even offer bundled plans. Start by insuring your cars and … Continue reading

Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson Sue Insurance Company

I think that many of us assume that celebrities have much easier lives than the typical person. The gossip magazines and websites have a tendency to point out how much money a certain famous actor or actress has, or how much they spend. You might think that having this much money protects a person from quite a bit of the risks that life can bring, but this is not always true. Even a celebrity can have problems with their insurance companies. Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, one of the most famous Hollywood couples, are suing their former insurance agency. Tom … Continue reading

When the Insurance Check is Sent to the Mortgage Company Part 2

Back in November I wrote about my four month saga on getting my roof repaired from a hail storm that had happened the previous summer. When I wrote that article, I thought that my roof repair was imminent. I thought that we were about to receive the check from the insurance company and start the roof and home repairs. It did not happen. It is now January, and I am finally hearing the sound of banging and hammering on my roof. So what happened? We got the good-old-run-around. In what can only be compared to the struggles on closing on … Continue reading

When the Insurance Check is Sent to the Mortgage Company

Back in August (see article) I wrote about the fact that we had hail damage we could not see and fortunately called the insurance company just in case because there had been a hail storm. I mentioned that we had been approved for repairs and wroud get our roof and gutters replaced shortly. It’s now November. We are finally getting the roof replaced this week. What took so long? Well, the insurance check was sent to the Mortgage company. After the insurance company adjuster came, we received a letter within two days detailing the repairs to be made. We took … Continue reading

Just Because You Can’t See It…

I recently wrote about when you should call the insurance company in the case of household damage. I wanted to reiterate that just because you can’t see damage to your home does not mean it’s there. In our case, we could not see any damage on our very damaged roof. Most of the damage was from water that had come through and damaged to boards under the shingles and part of the ceilings. None of this was visible to us however because the front of our home was damage free, and the back which was heavily damaged could not be … Continue reading

Are You Afraid to Call the Insurance Company

Are you afraid to call the insurance company because you don’t want to upset them or your premiums. When it comes to car accidents where you are at fault, the fear is understandable. What about the insurance company for your home? Do you try to fix things yourself that the insurance would cover? I am guilty of this too. But what are we paying insurance for anyway? We had hail storms two months ago where I live and I have been noticing one by one everyone in my neighborhood getting their roofs replaced. I remembered the sound of the storm … Continue reading

Car Accident With Baby

We got in our first car accident with our baby today. It was very minor, thankfully, but it left me feeling very shaken. Our little dear has been down with a cold for a few days, and we decided a little fresh air would be good for all of us. Since we were running low on groceries, we bundled up and headed to the store. After shopping and loading our bags into the car, I got into the back and began buckling our daughter into her car seat. My husband waited in the front for us to finish, keys in … Continue reading

Wood Floors, Carpet, and Area Rugs

In addition to a new roof and a repaired ceiling, we are also in the market for new flooring in the great room. Our floors in the foyer, hallways, and kitchen are wood, and the rooms such as living room, dining room, office, and family room are carpet. Our insurance will only cover the cost of carpet, but we would prefer to have the family room floor done in wood. We will be crunching some numbers to find out if we can swing it. If we stick to replacing the carpet with more carpet we will know that our flooring … Continue reading

Author Interview – Sherry Ann Miller (part four) Sailing and Scheduling

Thank you for joining us for our fourth installment in our exclusive interview with award-winning author Sherry Ann Miller. If you missed parts one, two, or three, click here. Sherry Ann, I notice you mention sailing frequently in your books, and you talk about it like someone who knows. Can you tell us about your sailing experience? In 1992, my son was still quite ill following an accident with a motorcycle that damaged his heart. Hubby and I took him to Oceanside, California, to a condo where he could rest on the beach and soak up some sunshine. One day, … Continue reading

My Fear of Generic Drugs

Prior to becoming a stay-at-home mom I worked for a company that provided me with more than decent health benefits, including an excellent drug plan. (It far exceeded the plan my husband’s company offered.) Back then I didn’t think twice about choosing between brand name or generic drugs. I got sick, I got brand name medicine, and I never saw a single bill (statements—yes, bills—no). That all changed when I decided to stay home to raise our daughter. We switched insurance companies and policies and I got a crash course in no-name drugs. Shortly after my daughter came down with … Continue reading