Having a Home Office with Kids

I’m a work at home mom. As a freelance writer and content manager, as well as a mom to three children, each day is a matter of balance and time management. My children need me, my clients need me, my community needs me, and of course the house needs me (well, in the sense that it needs my attention so we don’t wind up being featured in an episode of hoarders). Just yesterday, for example, my husband was out later, leaving me alone with the kids. Of course that doesn’t mean that my work schedule can change. So, while meeting … Continue reading

The Five Storage Choices in Your Home

There are five different storage choices that you make each day. Are you really choosing the best ones to suit your needs and your stuff, or are you simply storing in chaos with no plan other than to put it somewhere? Here are the five different storage choices in your home and the type of items that are appropriate for each. You can hang it Hanging items seems like a no brainer, but it can go wrong, very wrong. For example, there was the lady that decided to hang every bit of clothing she own, on her living room walls! … Continue reading

No-Cost Tricks to Freshen Your Home

Now that spring is here, wouldn’t it be great to freshen up your home? Unfortunately, changes in decor and even paint can cost money, something that most of us are trying to save these days. Fortunately, I have a few tricks up my sleeves for freshening our comes without paying a dime. Try these tricks for a new look. Rotate your artwork Just changing the art can make a big difference. Sometimes we get so used to art that is in our homes that we just don’t even notice it anymore. Sometimes, we just pile on the art, whether it … Continue reading

Home: Week in Review July 2 – 8

Fourth of July Trivia Most people will be eating, drinking, and celebrating this special occasion. If you’re looking for some activities to use during your Fourth of July celebration, why not challenge your friends to some Fourth of July Trivia? You might be surprised to learn just how much some know –or don’t know- about our great nation and its history… Some Decorating Tips for New Homes and Temporary Residences Don’t have much money left for artwork after purchasing a new home? Afraid to hang anything on the walls lest you’ll be forced to spend hours patching holes when moving … Continue reading

Artwork for the Home Office

Many home offices are little more than a nook or small space used for working from home to bring work home from a 9 to 5. Even those you have a separate room just for the home office tend to find that it collects unused pieces from around the rest of the home instead of being a designed space and having a personality of its own. Yet, even if you have a great home office, maybe it could use some artwork. So, what types of art work best in a home office? There are too many variables to count, but … Continue reading

Ways to Use Postcards in Your Home Business

Postcards are a small business owner/operator’s best friend. The small size makes them affordable to print and mail and they can be used in a variety of situations to promote your business and make connections with customers and potential customers. While you don’t have to have your own postcards printed professionally, you may be surprised at how affordable it is. The professional printer can put your artwork, logo, photo, or other image on one side to promote your business, and you can have your return address, Web site, etc. printed on the back–leaving a blank space for your message and … Continue reading

Home Office Feng Shui – For Families

Have you heard the term “Feng Shui before? If you haven’t, here’s a quick definition taken from Wikipedia; “Feng Shui – (pronounced “fung shway”) is the ancient Chinese practice of placement and arrangement of space to achieve harmony with the environment”. I discovered the art of family-office Feng Shui a few weeks ago by accident. During one of my busier seasons, I spent more time than normal sitting at my desk while my kids watched Saturday morning cartoons. As I frantically tried to cram in a weeks’ worth of work into four hours, I noticed that my kids were extremely … Continue reading

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

I’m a bit of a recycling nerd. I like to feel like I’m doing my part, I haven’t quite figured out how to reduce the amount of trash we generate so I’m trying to recycle and reuse as much of it as possible. Sometimes this simply means looking at things in a different way. There are many things we toss every day that can help us keep our homes a little tidier. The first one being paper towel and toilet paper tubes. How many of these does your family go through in a week? Start saving them, they have many … Continue reading

Last-Minute Father’s Day Surprises

In honor of all the procrastinating dads in the world, there is no time like the present to offer some last-minute surprises that you can bestow on the man of the house on this Father’s Day: Personalized T-shirts: This simple idea is much cheaper than purchasing Father’s Day themed shirts from big box retailers. All you need is a plain white t-shirt that will fit dad and some colorful fabric-safe paint. Next, gather the kids and have them doodle or stamp their handprints on the shirt to create various patterns. If you have older kids, then have them write sentimental … Continue reading

A Victorian Aesthetic

It was a long weekend up here in Canada, so that gave me a lot of time to think about our home, specifically my office or study. This is an extra bedroom at the top of the house. In it is my grandmother’s roll top desk, a desk that looks very Victorian. I also inherited my grandfather’s dark wood book shelves, and I have a smattering of artwork around the room. It’s a fairly cluttered and small room, mostly due to the fact that a lot of our living room ended up in there when I moved the furniture around … Continue reading