Preschoolers and Monsters

Sometime between the age of three-and-a-half and four-and-a-half, the monsters under the bed (and in the closet, behind the curtain, in the hamper, etc) start to appear. Your preschooler may suddenly be afraid to sleep alone in her own bed and may describe bad dreams or associate noises in the home with monsters. Why is this happening? Well, there are a number of reasons. The preschooler is now at an age where she is growing in a few developmental ways. Her imagination is really taking off. You may witness a lot of imaginative play that involves complete story lines with … Continue reading

Home Blog Month in Review: October

As I sit here looking out my window at the backyard, the birds are hovering in the pine tree against a strong wind and steady rain. The temperature is chilly today, and the calendar reminds me that we have left October behind. October 1st Buy a Home for $1.75 It seems that the housing crisis has made some interesting news lately. Home Month in Review: September 2008 Has the weather turned cooler now that September has passed? Pretty soon, it will be time to get that heat turned back on! Meanwhile, check out all of the articles that were posted … Continue reading

Attack of the Stinky Trash Monster

“It creeps upstairs, alone or in pairs, what’s that horrible smell? A thing, a thing, a horrendous thing, everyone knows it’s stinky.” Does the stinky trash monster live at your house? Here is an account of my ongoing battle with this beast, and all of the ways I try to conquer it. In my home, the stinky trash monster sits there innocently in the kitchen, waiting to turn on me and let its presence be known to one and all. Usually, it does its work in the middle of the night or while our family has been out of the … Continue reading

Shutting Off the Furnace

In our home, we have found that we can save on heating oil by simply shutting off our furnace for days at a time. While this technique isn’t for everyone, it can help you get through the really tough times. We usually take having automatic hot water for granted. But generations before us didn’t have any such luxury. While I’m not ready to live in the dark ages, I have discovered that there are times that living without hot water isn’t as hard as you might think. The way I discovered this was by accident. The switch that turns off … Continue reading

Smaller Garbage Equals More Money

We have been smug. I admit it. When we look at all of the garbage that our neighbors have out, we tend to feel that we are on the right track. This is because we know that the smaller our garbage is then the less money we are spending. While the neighbors can have three or more extra large trash cans a week, we have trouble just filling up half of our can per week. Once we are past disposable diapers (we just don’t want to do cloth), we may even cut that little bit in half. There are so … Continue reading

Would You Know If a Man Were Living in Your Attic?

One very interesting news story that has appeared in our local news (and perhaps nationally) concerns a family that had a stranger living in their attic for days undetected. This man came down from the space while they were sleeping or away from their home, ate their food, dressed in their clothing and stole various things for his own personal Christmas list to himself (yes, he actually wrote a wish list and then went shopping through the family’s things). He was only caught when the family noticed some items missing and reported them to the police. The police dog then … Continue reading

Between Holiday Catch Up

The holidays certainly are a whirlwind of activity aren’t they? From cooking to cleaning to shopping and visiting, there is always so much to do. Before Christmas, I tried to anticipate this by having the laundry caught up and the house cleaned. But I still found myself baking cookies on Christmas eve afternoon and cleaning the bathrooms. Now, Christmas Day is gone, but New Year’s Eve and New Years Day are coming up. This means that I have a lot of catch up to do. Despite my initial efforts, the laundry has turned into a mountain, the ironing is slouching … Continue reading

Home Week in Review: October 20th Through October 26th

We spent a wonderful weekend enjoying the fall weather and our town’s pumpkin festival. There was free pumpkin carving, hay rides, scarecrow building, balloons, treat bags, snacks and much more. It was a great way to enjoy the season. What traditions or activities do you do in your home? I’d love to hear how you enjoy the season as a family! While you are thinking that over, check out last week’s Home Blog posts. October 20th Home Week in Review: October 13th Through October 19th Have your gone out and jumped in some leaves yet? In my household, I do … Continue reading