The Never Ending List

I’m a list maker. I make lists of everything, sometimes when I’m going especially crazy, I make lists of my lists. I know how crazy that sounds but if I write something on a list I can keep it from taking up space in my head because I know the list is keeping track of it for me. The feeling of accomplishment I get when I get to cross things off my list, well, it makes me feel like a I have a little bit of control over my sometimes chaotic life. Maybe that’s why I dislike housework. Sure there … Continue reading

Tip of the Day- Clean your window sills

Ok, I admit it. I’m not exactly a neat freak. I wear multiple hats, including mother to young children, and the last thing I want to do each day is clean my house. The basics get done (most of the time) and the rest just sort of sits there until there is a compelling enough reason for me to care about taking care of them. One of those things that I never get around to is my window sills. This is partly because I have designated my 6 and 8 year old boys as the window washers in the family. … Continue reading