Capturing Enormous Quantities of Stuffies

We really, really, really don’t need any more stuffies in our house. I don’t know about you, but when my daughter was born I swore that I was not, most certainly not going to be one of those parents with a kid who had a room full of stuffed animals. Oh no, not me. My child was going to have just a few stuffed animals of the highest quality, hand sewn and hand picked. Oh yes, I was a stuffie snob. Now I stagger into her room where she has two cribs full of the things. They’re doll cribs, granted, … Continue reading

Get Less Stuff

You know and I know that many of us have a lot of stuff. Even if we feel like we don’t have a lot, a quick search through the house will likely reveal a garbage bag full of items that we can donate, a few useless purchases, and many toys that don’t get played with nearly enough. We are also blessed to have many relatives who care for us. These relatives want to give my daughter Christmas gifts. While this is wonderful, I also realize that Christmas gifts of stuff are really not what our family needs. We are fortunate … Continue reading