Get Rid of Lice from School with the Lady Nitpickers

It is that time of year when the school nurses begin making their way around to the classrooms and sending out those dreaded “lice letters”. These letters inform the parents that their child has lice and cannot return to school until treated with medication. It seems that winter is worse for lice because children are wearing hats and coats. These usually hang closely together in the classroom and the bugs spread. Parents usually buy the shampoo medication and sit for endless hours picking the nits from their child’s head. Clothing, bedding, and carpet also have to be treated. This can … Continue reading

The Dreaded Dilemma of Head Lice

If your family has suffered with head lice, here is new hope. These tips should help you get rid of lice, and keep them from ever coming back! Mix about half a cup each of olive oil and white vinegar together and stir in two teaspoons of “tea tree oil.” Tea tree oil is much less expensive, not to mention less toxic, than some chemical treatments. Cover your child’s hair with the mixture and work it into the scalp. Have your child put on a shower cap. You can buy packages of disposable plastic caps inexpensively at drug stores and … Continue reading