Easter Egg Envy

To quote The Beatles: “I long for yesterday.” Back then you didn’t have to have a degree in mixology and interior design to decorate Easter eggs. All you needed were a few bowls, some hard-boiled eggs, a handful of dissolving dye tablets and a wire dunker. Every year it was PAAS or bust. Parents of my generation know that PAAS is the Kleenex of Easter egg decorating kits. So, why mess with success? Today, moms and dads are bombarded with crazy egg decorating sets that require mad scientist skills to jazz-up hard-boiled ovum in time for Easter. Long gone are … Continue reading

Chicken Envy

Our friends have chickens. My husband knew what was coming next. You see, I’ve been sort of pestering him half jokingly that we needed chickens. I’ve been pestering him for more than a year, actually. Never mind that there are a lot of other household projects to get through. For example, we are about three hours away from finishing the basement and have been for a couple of weeks, the kitchen, living room and three bedrooms need to be painted, and there are tree stumps in the front yard that need to be addressed. The two of us work full … Continue reading

Ask a Baby Blogger: A Toddler’s Proper Place on the Weight Charts

Question: My youngest is one and starting to lose ground on the charts. All of my kids went through this when they started becoming very active and I night weaned. My ped wants me to stop breastfeeding and put him on whole milk. I want to continue to breastfeed. I’ve been giving him baby yogurt, ice cream (he hates it), avocado (he hates it) cookies and other junk food to get the calories in. Any other suggestions? Ah. . .doctors and their lack of knowledge on breastfeeding coupled with their attachment to those charts = a dangerous combination. To put … Continue reading

Keeping Animals for Food

Not too many people want to think about keeping animals for food, but it is certainly one way to be prepared in the case of food shortages, oil shortages when food cannot be transported, or an economic collapse that makes the cost of food out of reach for most families. Storing an emergency food supply can be a good idea in the short-term, but in order to be prepared, you have to consider having a renewable source of food. A garden is a good example of something that can give you a continual supply of food. Animals are another. There … Continue reading

Don’t be Intimidated by Canning

As a New York City girl born and raised, I never thought that I would even consider doing something such as canning produce. Didn’t that go along with prairie skirts and living on a farm? Now I know better. When we were blessed with an abundance if inexpensive organic apples, I learned fast. Canning isn’t as hard as it might sound. And despite my fears that I would do it wrong and give myself and my family food poisoning, it all worked out and was pretty easy actually. There are two big things that you need to know about canning. … Continue reading