Spring Cleaning Checklist

Are you ready for spring cleaning? It is almost that time of year. Get a head start and make the process easier when you establish a spring cleaning checklist that works for you. Here is how to begin. The first thing you should do is to jot down a spring cleaning checklist by room. This will makes things easier on several levels. You can easily hand off a room to someone else, such as another member of your family or hired help. Having a room by room checklist will also ensure that the most important jobs get done and nothing … Continue reading

Making Clean-Up Fun for Kids

My 7-year-old loves to help. I’ve seen her practically jump out of her skin when asked by her teacher for volunteers to vacuum the story corner rug. I’ve also witnessed as she put away board games and puzzles, without being prompted to do so, prior to pick-up at summer day camp. Both times I nearly fainted on the spot. My kid abhors cleaning, so when I inquired why she was so willing to lend a hand to others, she matter-of-factly replied: “Because it’s fun.” Clearly, the fun factor is missing in our home or I would have clean carpets and … Continue reading

Have Fun with Holiday Cleaning

Thanksgiving guests are gone, but the beginning of December ushers in a new round of house cleaning chores, especially if you are hosting Christmas at your chalet. While most homeowners dread the drudgery of getting their house in order for additional guests, cleaning can be fun if you incorporate the following suggestions: Rock Out: Turn up the volume on your favorite music and get cleaning. Or, put on some classical or Christmas music and sway in time to the beat as you dust, mop or scrub sinks. Feel the Burn: Instead of looking at house cleaning as a chore, look … Continue reading

How to Help Your Kids Clean Their Room

Tell me, what does it look like right now in your child’s bedroom or playroom? Are there toys, books and games strewn about everywhere? How can you get your kids to be more organized and keep their rooms clean? Here are some tips that you can try. Make it easy The easier you make having an organized room, the more likely it is that your kids will maintain it on their own. After all, if a project is overwhelming wouldn’t you want to avoid it at all costs? Some things that can make it easier for kids to clean their … Continue reading

3 Fun Classic Games Turned Into Water Games

Most kids love to play games. There are dozens of classic games that have been around for years if not centuries. Wouldn’t it be fun if you could figure out a way to add some water to these classic games to make a perfect and fun way to beat the heat? Here are a few classic games, now with a twist of added water. Duck, Duck, Splash This is the water rendition of “Duck, Duck, Goose”. My children have been playing this since they were old enough to enjoy the original. You will need a large car washing sponge (available … Continue reading

Volunteering With Your Kids

We recently volunteered at a local Youth and Women’s Alliance (a sort of independent YWCA). The activity was organized through my employer as part of the nationwide Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service. It was a terrific day full of coloring with toddlers, playing basketball with tweens and cleaning, organizing and straightening the many bookshelves, supply closets, board games and puzzles lying around the place. In the words of Jimmy Valvano “It was a full day”. As anyone who has ever volunteered knows, there is a great sense of purpose and accomplishment that engulfs you after your work is … Continue reading

Kids’ Crafts Week in Review: November 19-25

This week there weren’t many crafts and projects, since it was Thanksgiving. I was busy getting things ready for my family for the holiday. I also needed to spend some time with kids. They like crafts too, and they wanted me to take some time off to work on some projects with them instead of just writing about crafts. I hope you liked the ideas that were offered this week. Most of these can be used for other holidays besides the ones they’re listed for with just a few changes, so try some of them at other times throughout the … Continue reading

Benefits of Shopping the Easter Clearance Deals

Head to your favorite stores the day after to get some great Easter clearance deals. The bargains are so good that I know one mom who puts off the Easter baskets and the egg hunts until after Easter, just so she doesn’t have to pay full price. Smart lady. Many stores start there Easter clearance on Monday, the day after Easter, with bargains from 50 to 90 percent off. Don’t wait long, though, because these clearance sales, especially for popular stores such as Target, are very popular. Zone in on the candy first, and freeze it for later use. You … Continue reading

How to Keep the House Clean in the Summer

With a flurry of kids coming in and out of the house all summer long, how do you keep the dirt, the mud, the sand, and yes, even the water out of your home? Sometimes I will settle for just getting the dirt cleaned up enough that it doesn’t permanently damage the carpets or flooring. Beside the damage from spills, carpets can become matted and hard floors can become scratched by dirt and grit. There has to be a balance between having a relaxed summer home and spending all of your time cleaning up. We want to reduce the clean … Continue reading

Productive Sunday

I pride myself on being organized. I am not a hoarder, I don’t keep things that aren’t useful or beautiful. So how did I end up with a family room packed full of stuff to have a yard sale with? I woke up super motivated this morning. By ten a.m. I had cleaned the upstairs of my house, mowed the front yard and shaved the dog. I was on a roll. As I was cleaning I was collecting things that I no longer need. Just a few things, or so I thought. I found some clothes that I no longer … Continue reading