Cleaning Outdoor Furniture 2

No matter what your outdoor furniture is made out of, it could probably use a bit of cleaning right about now. Personally, we have a mix of different types of furniture, depending on use: oiled wood, painted wood, fabric and even plastic. All of these types require different methods of cleaning. The first steps as outlined in my last post was to do a visual inspection and determine if anything needs repair. Now let’s continue. Take a look and see if there is anything that can be machine washed. Perhaps you have washable slip covers, pillows or even rugs. Shake … Continue reading

Make Camping Easy: The Camping Box

I’d like to share a brilliant idea that I got from a friend. I’m implementing it in my own home over the next couple of months. It’s the idea of the camping box. You see, I can’t stand packing. It is one of the things that I despise most in the world. Before every vacation, I spend at least a week dreading the packing and a day foully irritable while I’m actually doing it. It’s not that I’m not organized. I have packing lists. I have most of the things that we need. However, my lists simply serve to remind … Continue reading