Kids Rooms… Scary Places or Comfy Spaces?

It’s common for children’s bedrooms and playrooms to get messy quickly. The best way to resolve this problem is to consistently straighten and organize these areas in order to avoid allowing them to get out of control. Most parents have had to deal with this situation at some point. Room cleaning seems to keep getting put off, because we have limited time or simply don’t feel like dealing with the usual complaints or our kids efforts to do everything but actually get the room cleaned up. When this happens, it can lead to an overwhelming mess. Kids and parents alike … Continue reading

Baskets For Toys

So I’ve spent the weekend with a three year old. I’m not used to this. There are toys and books spread from one end of the house to the other. Everything is sticky, how does this happen? It seems like all I’ve done all weekend is follow Ivy around with a washcloth, picking up toys. I asked her to help pick up but because our home isn’t really kid friendly it’s kind of hard for her to help. Finally, I remembered baskets. They were a lifesaver when Hailey was little. I went and got a few plastic baskets out of … Continue reading

Kid’s Clutter: Making Room for Birthday or Holiday Gifts

Whether it’s a birthday, major holiday, or another special occasion, our kids tend to be the recipient’s of lots of gifts. They get goodies from us from friends, neighbors, and other family members, and it doesn’t take long for the accumulation to become overwhelming. While many gifts have sentimental meaning, there are also those toys that kids “had to have” that they have since gotten over or outgrown. These items can be handed down to siblings or donated to make room for new stuff. If there are toys that your child still plays with occasionally and you really aren’t ready … Continue reading

Organizing and Storing Homeschooling Materials

In Setting Up a Space for Homeschooling, Valorie discusses having a room specifically for homeschooling. I agree with her that having a room specifically for homeschooling would be a wonderful option, if you have room in the house for it. Sadly I don’t, and neither do a lot of other people including her. As she said, just because you have a room designated for homeschooling doesn’t mean you have to do all of your homeschooling in that room. If I had a room for homeschooling, its main purpose would be to have all of our homeschooling items in one place. … Continue reading

More Kid’s Clutter Tips

Kids and their toys comprise a very specific form of clutter that must be reckoned with in very different ways than other clutter. After all, it’s educational, for the good of the child, necessary for growth and literacy, etc, etc. So how can that wealth of toys in that enormous box be better organized? Read on for some tips, if you dare. Toy Box Blues Buy an inexpensive plastic garbage can in the gaudiest color you can find. Get your own child to decorate it with his or her own stickers and help out with a stencil and the words … Continue reading

Playing up the Playroom

Decorating your child’s playroom may be one of the most fun room makeovers you’ll ever do. Even if you go for a sophisticated look, you’ll obviously still want to add some whimsical touches, since it is after all a “play” room intended for good times. You don’t have to be particular and fussy when it comes to this space. You can be as daring as you like, because kids love funky, brightly colored, interesting objects. Furnishings and accessories don’t need to follow any rigid rules; they just need to come together to fashion an inviting place to play, create, and … Continue reading