Supplies for Maintenance Cleaning

Today I am wrapping up the three types of cleaning.  We have already covered seasonal cleaning and deep cleaning.  In my last blog I talked about maintenance cleaning and how to develop a plan.  We finish up maintenance today by talking about the supplies you will need. You already know that I am a fan of Clorox or Lysol wipes (whichever is on sale).  Let me explain why. They are already moistened, so all it requires is grabbing one from the container and it’s ready to go.  I am big on saving time.   In fact, sometimes I will sacrifice price … Continue reading

Supplies for Seasonal Cleaning

I kicked off 2013 with a determination to conquer what I call a lost art in society, housekeeping.  My way of defining housekeeping is cleaning, repairs, decorating and organizing. January’s focus is on cleaning, which I blogged about the three main types of cleaning:  seasonal, deep and maintenance.  Last week I introduced you to a seasonal cleaning plan and today we are going to talk about the supplies you need. As a reminder, seasonal cleaning targets those areas inside and outside the home that you are likely to get to once-a-year.  Examples include washing windows and cleaning out the garage. … Continue reading

3 Types of Cleaning

My first housekeeping blog for the year was sort of a challenge; in conquering what I feel has become a lost art in today’s society.  The care of the home isn’t always considered to be so important.  But I believe it’s one of the ways we show love to our family. I also mentioned how housekeeping has evolved into what we typically refer to as homemaking.  I suspect that some think of the word “housekeeping” in a negative light. No matter what you call it, my goal is to help you understand the importance of it and what it all … Continue reading

Cleaning the Dishwasher

I do a pretty good job keeping up with my schedule in which I deep clean the appliances in my kitchen. Most of us tend to think about the stove and refrigerator. But if you have a dishwasher, this should be added to your list of deep cleaning every three or six months. Think about it this way. It’s an appliance used every day. It cleans dirty dishes. Still not getting the picture? That’s probably because you assume since it is an appliance that cleans, it doesn’t require cleaning. Not true. You might compare it to your teeth. You can … Continue reading

Deep Cleaning Your Home

There is a big difference between cleaning and “deep” cleaning. While regular cleaning can cut down on how often you need to deep clean and make the work easier, it is still necessary every-so-often. Deep cleaning means getting into areas you don’t normally touch. It is those unseen, oftentimes overlooked areas of the home. How often you need to deep clean will depend not only on your maintenance of that area but what it is used for. Some rooms or areas of the home may need a deep cleaning every few weeks. But some can wait a few months. It … Continue reading

Spot Cleaning the Bathroom

My least favorite room to clean is the bathroom. But you can make cleaning the bathroom easier by spot cleaning. Spot cleaning in the bathroom should be done as necessary but I also recommend light cleaning on a daily basis. If you do, you will find that it only becomes necessary to deep clean once-a-week. And you have the assurance that your bathroom is always ready for guests. To make spot cleaning easier, keep cleaning supplies in your bathroom. If you have to retrieve them from another room, you are more likely to forget or just skip it. For cleaning … Continue reading

Cleaning Product Clearance Items Are a Good Bargain!

Are you familiar with your grocery store’s or box store’s clearance sections? If not, you should be. They can be a source of great savings and an opportunity to stock up on much needed items for your home and your diet. I frequently shop the clearance areas, as well as check the regular shelves for any managers specials or deeply discounted products. With spring and the thoughts on spring cleaning on my mind, I wanted to talk about the good bargains that you can get on cleaning and laundry products when you shop the clearance sections for these items. Unlike … Continue reading

Spring Cleaning the Bathroom – Part 3

Do you feel that spring cleaning is in the air? This is the perfect time of the year to deep clean and organize those rooms. And today we are going to be focusing on the bathroom. Without maintaining the bathroom, it can quickly fall into bad shape. Depending on how badly your bathroom needs it, you may need to do a thorough scrub down. My advice is to start with the decluttering, with the most likely culprit to be the medicine cabinet. This is a great opportunity to go through and throw out expired or unused medicines. Be sure to … Continue reading

Spring Cleaning – Part 1

It’s that time already…spring cleaning is on the minds of many. Although I am more about the fall cleaning, I have decided to make this a twice-a-year event. This means deep cleaning and organizing in preparation for the warmer months. This week we had one of those rare warm days we get in Wisconsin when it’s still March. It was in the lower 60’s and I was able to open my patio door. There is just nothing like fresh air when your house has been closed up all winter long. That’s what kind of kicked it off in my mind … Continue reading

Cleaning in 30 Minutes or Less: Wednesdays

Today’s blog moves onto cleaning in 30 minutes or less on Wednesdays. By now I hope you understand that I am not trying to tell you what to clean and when. Instead, I want you to see how by spreading things out and picking the best days to do these chores, you are making it easier and quicker to clean. On Wednesdays I only do my quick wipe down in the kitchen because this is the day that I focus on deep cleaning my bathroom. Since it takes just a couple of minutes to do my kitchen routine, it leaves … Continue reading