The Funnel Cakes are Not Your Friends!

The Atkins diet is not an incredibly difficult diet to follow – until you walk out the door of your home. Suddenly, there are all these foods that are not appropriate for you to eat right now. Spending the day at a Fair can be an exercise in determination, and will test your ability to avoid the temptation to eat foods that you shouldn’t be eating right now. In the time since I started the Atkins diet, I have visited my local Farmers’ Market, and I spent a day at the Renaissance Faire. Each experience presented me with foods that … Continue reading

Pledging to Exercise More When you Pig Out

I do it all the time. Promise to run extra miles so I can dive into a second piece of pie. Or pledge to take the stairs instead of the elevator so I can eat an extra donut. I know I’m not alone. How many of you try to offset extra calories by extending your workout? It’s a fine method if you keep your promise… and the amount of time you are adding to your exercise routine actually compensates for the number of fat and calories consumed. But in most cases that’s not quite how the cookie crumbles. Generally, we … Continue reading

Making the Most Out of Your Leftover Thanksgiving Turkey

How much leftover turkey do you have in your refrig right now? In a previous blog I wondered out loud if my sister-in-law was the only non-vegetarian in the nation who refused to eat turkey on Thanksgiving. Unlikely. As I mentioned earlier, it’s not that she is despises turkey–she’ll eat turkey if it is a part of other dishes–she just won’t eat it “plain.” In any event, if you have a picky turkey eater in your family and are looking for easy and affordable recipes to bring new life to your day old bird consider the following dishes: HOT TURKEY … Continue reading

Shopping List and Tidbits for the Food Blog: April 7 through April 13

The food blog has been busy, busy, busy this week thanks to the excellent ideas and recipes contributed by our very own frugal blogger, Mary Ann Romans. Keep reading for fabulous ideas in the kitchen, new food trends, and of course, you can always print out your shopping list full of ingredients! Tidbits March was National Pasta Month. However, as you may well know, March was also the month of the blogger hiatus. So National Pasta Month got celebrated with a quiz last week and this week I have posted the Answers to the Noodle Quiz. Are you familiar with … Continue reading

Turkey Fryer Safety Tips

Turkey fryers have grown dramatically in popularity, but some consumer organizations are not happy about it. Turkey fryers can create some of the most sumptuous meals, but they can also be highly dangerous. They can cause severe burns and fires if not used with the utmost care. Follow these safety tips to make sure your experience is a good one: 1. Make sure to read all the manufacturer’s instructions completely. 2. Make sure the turkey fryer is assembled properly. 3. Use your turkey fryer outdoors only. 4. The turkey fryer must be set up level and must be in a … Continue reading

Do You Do Fried Turkey?

Fried turkey might sound a little strange to some people if they have never tried it. The first time I heard about it, I pictured something similar to friend chicken, but with giant pieces of meat, such as enormous drumsticks. It didn’t seem too appealing. Now, don’t think I’m too silly, because this was before the raging popularity of turkey fryers. My father in law would cut up turkey into chunks, bread it and cook it in the deep fryer. He had a Fry Daddy home fryer and used peanut oil, and it was delicious. It would stay nice and … Continue reading

Cuban Midnight (Medianoche) Sandwich with Fried Plantains

The Cuban Midnight (Medianoche) Sandwich is a favorite in Cuba. For traditional sandwiches, the pork is slow roasted in Cuban spices, giving it a garlic/citrus smell. Unlike most American sandwiches, Cubans do not normally eat tomatoes or lettuce on their sandwiches and many do not include mayonnaise, although this recipe does. The sweet rolls of the Medianoche makes it a favorite nighttime snack, hence the name. For this recipe, you will need four sweet bread rolls, mayonnaise, prepared mustard, one pound of thinly sliced cooked ham, one pound of thinly sliced fully cooked pork, one pound of sliced Swiss cheese, … Continue reading

Favorite Family Restaurant Deals

Family-friendly and affordable should go hand in hand when it comes to restaurants, but that is not always the case. Anyone who has ever blinked twice at the cost of a plate of chicken nuggets would agree. Before you spend your family budget on eating out with the kids, check out the following favorite family restaurant deals. 1. Ruby’s Diner Ruby’s Diner offers several menu choices for kids for a reasonable price, and each kids’ meal includes a small ice cream cone for desert. Steer clean of the macaroni and cheese, which comes out of a box, and instead choose … Continue reading

The Sight of Music

Despite taking five years of piano and three years of flute lessons as a child, I can’t play myself out of a paper bag. Well, that’s not entirely true. I can still play “Turkey in the Straw” and “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring” on the piano from memory without messing up… too much. And I can blow out a decent rendition of the theme song from “Dallas” on the flute like an aging rock star. Do rock stars play the flute? In any event, memories of my days as a lackluster music student came flooding back recently when I was … Continue reading

Landscape of Flavors

Given that its opening is coming (relatively) soon, it’s no surprise that the details keep pouring in about Disney World’s forthcoming Art of Animation resort. The latest Disney Parks blog post on the hotel focuses on its Landscape of Flavors food court. I love reading about food, so I’m excited to learn more. Of course the announcement of Landscape of Flavors is all a bit grand. It plays up the restaurant, making it seem like a unique and innovative new approach to dining. Perhaps it is for restaurants in Disney World hotels. All I know is it almost kind of … Continue reading