Entertaining on New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve is just over two weeks away. Another brand new year is about to begin and it’s an exciting time. If you’re planning a party, you want it to be exciting too! So, how do you plan to keep everyone entertained? Try some of these ideas: Music Great music helps. Try to get everybody up and dancing. You will need to make sure there is plenty of room for dancing, so you might want to do a little furniture re-arranging before guests arrive. Games Games are also great. You can buy games, pull out board games or card … Continue reading

What are You Doing for New Year’s Eve?

It’s official, you only have 15 days left to make New Year’s Eve plans if you haven’t already done so. That means it may be difficult to get reservations for many events or restaurants. It also may be difficult to find a babysitter if you need one, but don’t give up yet! Start making calls and you may still be able to pull it off. This happens to me often, because I’m never sure if my husband will be home for New Year’s Eve. Here are some last minute ideas, in case you find yourself without a plan: If you’re … Continue reading