The Best and the Worst of the Halloween Candy

Have you been sneaking the kids Halloween candy? I know I have, especially after our church’s Trunk or Treat event got cancelled because of snow…yes snow, in October, in Pennsylvania. So here we are with a big bowl of candy and no way to hand it out (our semi-rural neighborhood, with its zero sidewalks and houses far apart get zero trick or treaters), meaning that there have been one or two (or five) Romans grabbing a piece or two here or there. We only buy the good stuff. I was curious to know which of the candy, the Kit Kats, … Continue reading

Be Prepared and Safe for Halloween

A little preparation can ensure that you reduce the risk of injury this Halloween. Protect your family as well as all of the other little trick or treaters this holiday. If you are giving out candy and treats this Halloween, first example your porch, walkways and yard for possible hazards. Put away anything that could be tripped over, such as sprinklers, hoses, tools and toys. Make sure that your door, walkway and yard are well lit. Avoid hanging heavy decorations that could cause injury if they fall. That should do it for those visiting your home. Now lets talk about … Continue reading

Exchanging Halloween Candy for Money

A dentist in ohio announced that he will pay children for their Halloween candy in cash, plus throw a toothbrush in for good measure. As an extra incentive, the dentist, Craig Callen of Mansfield Ohio, will also enter the kids in a drawing to win one of two bikes. The going rate for Halloween candy? Cullen is paying $1 a pound for up to five pounds of candy per kid. Naturally, you can guess the motivation behind all of this. As a dentist, Callen wants to promote healthy teeth, implying that the excess sweet stuff is better off left out … Continue reading