Seasonal Decorating on a Budget

Fall is in the air, and if you have kids, signs of the season are likely on your floors, tables and chairs. Yesterday, I found a colorful leaf near the bathtub. A soggy, orange leaf that likely hitched a ride on the bottom of my daughter’s shoe. While I am a huge fan of autumn’s brilliant colors, I’d prefer them sprucing up my home in others ways. For example, if you are trying to add seasonal flair to your home this fall, but don’t have a ton of money to buy elaborate decorations, consider crafting these affordable projects using natural … Continue reading

Walking Into Fall With Both Eyes Open

My favorite time of the year is fast approaching. There is something about fall that is so special to me. I am not sure if it is the crisp, autumn air, the changing colors of the leaves, the start of shorter days when it seems like you can kick back and take it easier with the busyness of summer behind you. One thing is certain though, exercising in the fall is much easier to do outdoors. There is no heat or humidity to slow you down. You do not sweat nearly as much as you did in the summer months. … Continue reading

Ideas for a Frugal Fall at Home

I just love the fall! Crunching the leaves underfoot, the cooler temperatures that invite you to snuggle under a blanket or don a soft sweatshirt or sweater, the crisp sound of a bite into that first apple, hunting for pumpkins, fall decorating, the wonderful smells coming from the oven and more. It has to be one of my favorite times of the year. There are so many great things to do and take advantage of in the fall. Here are some that we are doing, have done or are planning. I hope you can take some ideas from here and … Continue reading

Leaf Peeping and Other Fun Fall Family Weekend Activities

Northern Michigan, parts of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont are exploding with vibrant fall colors right now making this Columbus Day holiday weekend the ideal time to gather up the clan and hit the highways to go leaf peeping. The colors are at peak in the areas I listed above, but in other parts of the country the leaves are just starting to turn or are nearing their brilliance, which means that sometime in the next couple of weeks you should seriously consider taking your family outdoors to enjoy all the season has to offer. Leaf peeping doesn’t … Continue reading

Messy But Fun Fall Projects for Kids

I gave up on keeping messes to a minimum years ago. I am a mother of a young child who absolutely adores arts and crafts and there is no way I’m about to limit her creativity when her masterpieces bring her so much pleasure (and provide me with ample time to get the dishes, laundry and vacuuming done). Whether it’s paint, Play-Doh, markers, crayons or the dreaded Moon Sand I’m game as long as she is happy. (After all, when the cleaning process provides fodder for blogs how can I complain?) So the other day when my Martha Stewart clone … Continue reading

Ways to go Wild with Your Family in Nature this Fall

It’s fall… which means most of us only have a few more weeks before Mother Nature’s bitter joke that is winter has us hibernating in our homes until spring. Don’t let autumn’s natural beauty pass you by. Dads, forget about football for one day, and moms, consider running errands during the week so you can use one of fall’s fleeting weekends to take the entire family outdoors for an adventure in nature. One idea: Head to your local wildlife refuge. Hundreds of wildlife refuges around the nation are using Halloween as a way to showcase creatures that are nocturnal or … Continue reading

Fall Craft Projects: Fun with Pumpkin Seeds

Sure, you can salt, bake, and snack on pumpkin seeds from now until well after Halloween, but believe me there are much more constructive (and need I mention, FUN) things you can do with the pale flat seeds than pick them out of your teeth. Here are just a couple kid-friendly craft projects that come alive with help from the seasonal seeds: Pumpkin Seed Necklace Leave it to Martha Stewart to figure out a way to turn a seed into a piece of jewelry. Got pumpkin seeds? Then you have the foundation for a pretty necklace. Simply, scoop the seeds … Continue reading

How to Make a Unique Fall Wreath with Your Kids

If you have ever been on a fall nature hike with young children then you know that deep pockets come in very handy. I swear my preschooler is part squirrel. She collects anything and everything as though she was preparing for hibernation. Last week when her playgroup visited a local arboretum we left with dozens of nuts, leaves, blades of grass, sticks, flowers… you name it, my daughter had it crammed in her jacket pockets. One of the other moms suggested we create a homemade treasure box to bring along on our next hike to store her precious goods, but … Continue reading

Home Blog Month in Review: August

Did you have a good month? We seem to have packed an entire summer’s worth of activities in this past month. Now, it seems, it is back to school and time to get ready for autumn. Still, it is nice to look back toward warm sands and wearing shorts even as we will soon be crunching leaves and taking out the sweaters. August 1st Getting Out Grass Stains With summer in full swing, chances are that your family has been playing outdoors quite a bit. And with all of that outdoor play comes the grass stains, especially if you are … Continue reading

Quick Harvest Decorating

Do you need some last minute tips for fabulous harvest decorating around your home? Here are some quick ideas that require very little effort or planning. Sometimes life can be hectic, especially around the holidays. I remember one year when I suddenly found out that I was hosting Thanksgiving for our extended family. I found this out less then two weeks before the big day. Ouch. If this is happening to you this year, you have my sympathy. You also can have these quick ideas to get your home in a festive mood. For a quick harvest centerpiece, gather up … Continue reading