Home Blog Month in Review: August

Did you have a good month? We seem to have packed an entire summer’s worth of activities in this past month. Now, it seems, it is back to school and time to get ready for autumn. Still, it is nice to look back toward warm sands and wearing shorts even as we will soon be crunching leaves and taking out the sweaters. August 1st Getting Out Grass Stains With summer in full swing, chances are that your family has been playing outdoors quite a bit. And with all of that outdoor play comes the grass stains, especially if you are … Continue reading

Frantic Fridays

Do you have a certain days of the week when you complete certain household chores? Traditionally, Monday was for washing, Tuesday for ironing, etc. Fridays were usually reserved for baking, I believe. In my household, though, it is a little different. Lately I have been calling Fridays by the term Frantic Fridays. That is because I always find an urge to get the house completely back in order on that day and ready for the weekend. While I try to keep up with everything on a daily basis, I find that some things tend to fall apart by the end … Continue reading

Cleaning Out the Car

You know that things are bad in your car when a ten-year-old complains that it is gross. We have had a couple of strange weeks, so my normal policy of having everyone grab at least three things that don’t belong each time they leave the car just wasn’t working. I hit the last straw yesterday when two things occurred: my daughter pulled out an old and yellowed cheese stick from behind a seat, and the carpooling kids didn’t want to put on their seat belts because they were afraid of all of the crumbs. “They are huge crumbs. It isn’t … Continue reading

Keeping Home in the Summer

When the temperature is hot and you would much rather sit by the pool and read a book, getting the motivation to clean and organize your home or to take care of the little things that contribute to the running of it can be tough. Who wants to pay the bills or do the laundry or wipe down the kitchen when the days seem lazy and sticky? Here are some tips that may help you keep your home in the summer. Simplify Summer should be all about being easy and taking a break. Simplify things in your home and your … Continue reading

Designer Duct Tape is Here

Have you noticed the how designer duct tape is trending out there? The classic duct tape is now popping up in so many different colors and patterns that make using it a lot of fun. With these new designs, you can make even more use of duct tape. Wallets, Purses and Accessories The classic duct tape wallet has been around for a while, but the new duct tape has inspired many exciting accessory ideas, from purses to rings. Take advantage of zebra-striped duct tape, floral patterns, polka dots, color splashes and more to really personalize your items. You can search … Continue reading

Getting Ready for Spring Cleaning: What You’ll Need

Make your spring cleaning as painless as possible by being prepared. Here is what you will need to make your spring cleaning go smoothly. Attitude Having a positive outlook will go a long way to making spring cleaning something to look forward to rather than something to dread. Instead of focusing on the amount of work or the tedium of the job, instead concentrate on the results. Think about how good you will feel when the spring cleaning is completed. Visualize enjoying your favorite activities in your nice, clean and clutter free home. Build in some rewards to help reinforce … Continue reading

Time to Clean the Bookshelves

If you raise a cloud of dust every time you pull a book off of your bookshelves, or if the shelves are sagging under the weight of the books that are overstuffed and piled out of place, then it might be time for you to clean the bookshelves. I’m taking on this project myself at home, mostly because I want to eliminate at least one of our existing bookshelves in the name of more space and a less cluttered office. I also want to eliminate the dust that tends to hide behind both the books and the bookcases. Because we … Continue reading

The Car that Swallowed China

What do you do on a hot and sticky summer day? Clean the car out of course! And if you can get the whole family involved then maybe, just maybe, it won’t get that bad ever again. Well, one can hope… “Honey, I just found a way to cut our gas costs,” my husband, Tom tells me. I’m thinking that being the brilliant guy that he is, he has figured out something new that I can tell you about in the Frugal Living Blog. But no, that isn’t it. “With all of the pounds of stuff coming out of this … Continue reading

Save Money While Spring Cleaning: Use What You Have

As you might have seen from my blog post in the Home Blog, I am ready to start our spring cleaning. The weather may not exactly be cooperating, but hey, there are still some things that I can get done. One of the great ways to save on spring cleaning is to use what you already have, or at the very least, what you can obtain for little money. Makes sense, or should I say cents? Right? Forget wasting those expensive paper towels and store bought cleaners. Look around your home and see what will work well to clean and … Continue reading

Is Quality Time a Myth?

Working women are you short changing your spouse and your children? When talking yesterday with Mick about the blog I’d written about working women and marriage, he came up with several comments I thought were worth noting about the amount of time spent with children in particular. Yes, we‘ve all heard the phrase ‘quality time’ and how parents should spend ‘quality time’ with their spouse and their children. But what does this mean exactly? The reality is that if they are working full time, the amount of time the working woman can realistically spend with their spouse and children is … Continue reading