French Revolution Interrupted by Power Failure

That is one of my favorite descriptions of what happened on Saturday night for us. I wasn’t clever enough to think of it myself, but I am shamelessly grabbing the line for my blog post title, since it perfectly sums up recent events. As I’ve hinted at here and there, our home life got turned upside down when my ten-year-old got a significant part in the local high school musical, Les Mis, which is set at the French Revolution. There were a lot of late night rehearsals, working around the schedules of everyone else in the family, giving up recess … Continue reading

Naked Lunch

I had to get really creative, or at least desperate, with what was packed this morning in my kids’ lunches. Without bread, the sandwiches would be a bit, well, naked. You see, last night we never did get to the grocery store, so we are out of basics, such as bread, milk and dark chocolate. Yikes. Okay, so the dark chocolate was for me, but we do normally incorporate bread and milk somewhere in meals for our children. Typically, I am an uber-planner, well, an uber-planner wanna be. I haven’t yet obtained my certificate or badge, and the phrase “let … Continue reading