Getting Your Home in Order After the Weekend

You can always tell that it is Monday at my house because of the visible chaos that is spread throughout the house, especially on the first floor. Toys, books, jackets, dishes, you name it, collects in odd places, as the family runs in and out of the house on various errands. Home projects, such as organizing a closet or de-cluttering books or toys don’t always get completed, since there is a yard sale or the farmer’s market or a softball game to go see instead. Sometimes when life gets in the way, it isn’t just the weekend that has caused … Continue reading

Getting the Routines Back in Order

Somewhere between the middle of September and the end of October, the morning and evening routines started to get out of whack. The kids bedtime tended to drift further and further into the evening, and the chaos in the morning started to increase. From tired melt downs to kids who forgot their homework folders or lunch, it was time to get things back into a routine and do it right away. Our family tends to be more on the creative side and less on the structured side. A house full of free spirits with no sense of time will ruin … Continue reading

Prepping For the Back-to-School Blitz

Still haven’t found a Scooby-Doo backpack… C’mon people; help me out here. Time is not on my side. Where did the summer go? Year-round students in the Chicago Public School system return to class tomorrow. Meanwhile, kids in Hawaii, Seattle, Atlanta and parts of North Carolina already started the new school year. Thankfully, my daughter has two more weeks of summer vacation before reality crashes in on our blissful routine-less mornings. Oh, how I dread school day mornings. Getting back into the groove of laying out uniforms, packing lunches, filling backpacks, making breakfast (then forcing half-asleep kids to eat the … Continue reading

Is Your Routine Holding You Back?

Routine is a good thing, right? For many of us who start home businesses, it takes us a while to establish a routine and get into a groove—once we do, we feel like we are finally making headway. Then, how and why could routine ever be a bad thing? Well, if your well-organized routine is keeping you from making progress, taking chances, or trying new things in your home business than it may have outlasted its usefulness. Of course, I am not advocating throwing out the baby with the bathwater here. I know that I really do NEED a certain … Continue reading

Stretch Routines – Simple Tips to Follow

Okay, so we’ve talked about why you need to stretch. Let’s talk about some simple rules to follow while you are stretching in order to get the most benefits from your workout. It’s also important to note here that you can stretch daily whether it’s a part of your actual workout or not. For example, I try to stretch every morning when I get up – I spend ten to fifteen minutes getting everything limber and shaking off the stiffness and while I do some mild stretching when I actually get to my workout So with that in mind, let’s … Continue reading

Stimulate Your Routines

With July 4th behind us, are you finding yourself in the midst of a mid-summer slump? Are you so busy with getting the kids back and forth to their activities, taking care of the house, work and waiting eagerly for the school year that you find yourself wondering how the heck you managed to fit in a workout previously? I feel your pain. I am so used to doing my daily workouts that when I have to skip a day or find circumstances robbing me of my valuable work out time that I am looking my mid-summer slump in the … Continue reading

Small Changes That Could Boost Your Productivity

If you have been working from home for a while, it is likely that you have settled into a comfortable work routine. Perhaps you start each “shift” in the same way, or you have a pattern of doing tasks in a certain order. Routines can be wonderful and they can help to keep you on track. Sometimes, though, you can find ways to adjust your routine in order to become even more productive. A couple of ideas for adjustments that you could make to your work day fall under the general topic of doing less and accomplishing more. I know … Continue reading

Happier Mornings

Are your mornings hectic and stressful? Mine used to be so bad that I almost dreaded them. Hailey and I would get our day off to a bad start because we would wind up snapping at each other. When I was married we all left the house at the same time, this meant that I had help getting Hailey motivated and out the door. Once I was divorced it was just me. No matter what time we got up Hailey would drag her feet until it was time to walk out the door then we would spend another ten minutes … Continue reading

The Importance of Lists

People who make lists are often the butt of a few jokes. They can be seen as uptight and over organized. When it comes to taking care of a home, though, list making can be an important tool in keeping track of everything and even giving you the motivation to get more done in a day. Different Types of Lists There are a number of different types of lists that can help you keep your home and your life organized. There are inventory lists, grocery lists, to do lists, accomplishment lists, dream lists, activity lists, information lists and more. Different … Continue reading

Lightbulb Guide

We all know that we should be making the switch from incandescent light bulbs to more energy efficient ones, but which ones should we choose? There are LED bulbs, compact fluorescent bulbs (CFL) and halogen bulbs. As far as giving up and sticking with incandescent bulbs? Well, soon you won’t be able to. The Energy Independence Security Act is getting rid of the old bulbs. Starting in January, 100-watt bulbs are no longer being manufactured, and other wattages will soon follow. There are four things to consider when it comes to comparing lightbulbs. There are the cost, the lifespan of … Continue reading