Bigger Blooms for Your Orchids

Gardening is one of those hobbies where people love to share what they have learned. Friends of ours recently bought an orchid at a local gardening fair. As you know, I love orchids but our association with them is very much a hit and miss affair. Neither Mick nor I really know all that much about growing them. We just know we like them. Friends told us that the orchid experts claim that if you cut the spike of flowers off while they are still flowering and put them in a vase that the flower blooms will be better on … Continue reading

Growing Orchids

Orchids are one of my favorite flowers. They are great to grow for several reasons. Firstly, they come in a huge range of colors from white through beige and pinks and greens to deep maroons and purples. Last weekend my husband and I went to a local wholesale nursery and of course we came away with three new orchids, two are green. I love green flowers nearly as much as I love blue ones. The third is a rich pinky red. We already have several orchids. Throughout the year they grow outside in pots in a spot where they will … Continue reading

Still Flowering

I finally plucked up courage the other week to do as suggested by the orchid experts. I cut the flower spikes off my orchids and put them in a vase. Weeks later, they are still happily flowering. Another lot of plants that have been flowering are petunias, in fact they have flowered all through winter and are still going. These petunias are self seeded petunias from the array we had last summer. They came up in the pots and garden of their own accord. Unfortunately they got dug out of the garden thinking they were weeds, but because of a … Continue reading

Blooming all Over

Our house is blooming at the moment. No, I don’t mean the garden outside, but the house. As our orchids have started to flower, we have been steadily bringing them inside. Each week when people come to our home they find that another orchid has been added to the display, or that those there have been rearranged. The latest to be added to the flowering collection was one we bought as soon as we moved into this house just over three years ago. It is a deep pink to maroon striped with a deeper maroon and white throat. It has … Continue reading

A Symbol of Love

This morning I was the guest speaker at a ladies breakfast for our church. Mick wisely, I thought, knowing how edgy I can get before a talk, kept pretty much out of my way as he knows I always get nervous before having to do any speaking. Writing comes easy, but public speaking not so much. He kissed me goodbye, assured me it would be fine and I knew he would be praying for me. As I spoke I was aware that he and other friends and family were praying. While I was talking, he was busy in other ways. … Continue reading

Best Buys for March

Do you know what to buy this month to save the most money? Read on for the best buys in March. Saving the most that you can means paying attention to sales and trends in the retail industry. Stores time their sales to the calendar month, so knowing when the best time to buy something is can save you a lot of money. Gardening Tools In March, seems to be looking forward to spring and planning out their gardens. It is still too cool in many regions to actually start planting, but that is no excuse not to get started … Continue reading

How Does Your Garden Grow?

I just received a beautiful Christmas card in the mail from one of my best friends. It features a photo of her three children sitting in her front yard surrounded by plump hydrangeas, colorful azaleas, and big purple orchids. (Did I mention she lives in Hawaii?) After staring at the picture for a while I looked out my own bedroom window at the brown grass peaking out from what remains of our recent snowfall. When you are surrounded by snow, frigid temperatures, and dormant vegetation you often forget there are areas of the world where homeowners are treated to year … Continue reading

Dealing With A Crooked Landscaper—Part 1

Regular readers of my “Home” blogs know that my grandfather was a master gardener. When he died my grandmother was left to deal with his massive garden, which included pineapple plants, an entire rose garden, hundreds of orchids, and a small orchard of mountain apple trees. A daunting task for anyone; never mind that my grandmother was pushing 90 and really had no interest in maintaining it on her own. Long story short, she hired a “professional” gardener and he hosed her. I suppose I could have titled this blog: “How My Grandmother Got Hosed By Her Gardener,” but I … Continue reading