Four Ways to Reduce Your Heating Bill

If the weather INSIDE is frightful because you are afraid of home heating bills, you won’t spend a very pleasant winter. A better solution is to stay warm by finding multiple ways of reducing your heating bill and then combine these strategies to reduce your heating bill to the lowest cost possible. Selective Heating Only heat the rooms you are actually using. Are there any rooms that can be closed off temporarily during the coldest part of the year? Even if your home isn’t zoned, you can make it warmer in the rest of the house by isolated unused rooms. … Continue reading

Spend Less on Home Heating

With home heating costs going sky high, you should really take whatever steps you can now to save on the money you will be spending this winter. Oil prices are high, but so is natural gas and propane. Be prepared. Insulate your windows and doors. Drafty homes loose most of their heat through old windows and doors. Even new windows that are not properly sealed can let out precious heat. There are a number of things that you can do to insulate your windows and doors. The first is to add weather stripping and caulk around doors and windows. It … Continue reading

Heating with Propane

In many parts of the country, people have natural gas piped directly into their homes for heating fuel. It can be expensive, but the convenience is wonderful. There are several other types of heating fuel as well, also expensive, and sometimes, less than convenient. Many homes use propane from tanks outside that must be refilled and this system is especially common in rural areas. The price of propane seems to stay close to the price of gasoline, so roughly three bucks a gallon can add up quickly in cold weather. Worse yet, if conditions are bad, such as icy roads, … Continue reading

Extreme Winter Adventures

“Cold” is a relative term when you live in Northern Wisconsin. After working at various TV newsrooms in the Dairy State, I’ve learned that people take offense no matter what you say about the weather… especially during the winter months. Whether we’re blanketed in two feet of snow and battling -40 degree wind chills or we’re dry and the mercury is holding steady at 20 degrees above zero, someone will find something to complain about. Interestingly, though, regardless of how bitterly cold it gets in these parts, there are some extreme travelers who will take to the woods in their … Continue reading

Natural Gas Drilling: Safe or Not

I will be the first to admit that I don’t know a lot about how we get our energy. I don’t give much thought to what goes on behind the scenes to light my house, power my television, heat my stove, or cool my house. But, in writing this green blog, I must do a lot of eye-opening research. Today, I stumbled across an article in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette about drilling for natural gas. Specifically, the article focused on a coloring book to teach children about natural gas drilling. The coloring book features a cute little dinosaur called Terry, a … Continue reading

Gas Leak

We had a pretty scary experience this past week. We had been out with friends for the entire evening, and came home about 10:00pm. The second I entered the hallway of our apartment building, I smelled major natural gas. It was pretty strong. I unlocked the door to our apartment, opened it, and the smell became about ten times stronger. “The gas is coming from our apartment, honey,” I said to my husband. He went inside, and discovered that a burner on our gas stove was leaking gas. I immediately freaked out. The first thing that went through my head … Continue reading

Smart Buys for Stimulus Checks

Those Stimulus Checks should be here soon. You know the rebate checks given out to every tax payer that meets a certain income? With our family of two adults and three kids, we are looking forward to the extra money. How about you? Before you run out and spend that money (and hopefully help boost the economy), take a look at the following smart buys for those stimulus checks. Food With food prices going rising astronomically (and continuing to rise in the future according to financial analysts), it is a smart buy to invest in food for your family. No … Continue reading

Wringer Washers Save Money

Wringer Washing machines are a favorite choice of homesteaders who want to be “off the grid” and save a bundle on laundry. One reader told me that she started saving $80 a month once she started using a wringer washing machine. But what is a wringer washing machine? How does it work? Where can you get one? Keep reading to find out all about this frugal trend to see if it might be right for you and your family. I learned about wringer washers from some Amish friends. They don’t use electricity, but they can do their wash in a … Continue reading

Power Surge And Electrical Outages.

Homeowner and renter insurance policy holders should check their policy and be sure to understand what is and what is not covered when the power goes out. Short power interruptions often cause damage to personal property and houses. The most common and expensive damage happens when the power comes back on and a surge of electricity floods the open circuits in the house. A large blast of electricity can cause computers to lose data, electronics to overheat, malfunction of household electronic equipment such as heating systems and alarm equipment. Sometimes a surge can cause fires or the loss of electricity … Continue reading