Staging your home yourself for a faster sale

Just about everyone who is trying to sell a house in this tough buyers market is advised to have their home staged. Paying for a home stager however, may not be in the budget, especially if you are trying to sell under duress as it is your only option to prevent foreclosure. The average cost of professional home staging is $2300 with the price range being from $1000 to $5000. There are also survices for a few hundred dollars that will lay out a do-it-yourself plan for you. While these services are very helpful, should you be short on money, … Continue reading

Hiring a Professional Home Stager

These days, if you want or need to sell your home, you’ll need to do everything you can to make it stand out from the crowd. One of the ways to do this is to hire a professional stager who will stage your home the exact right way for your particular market. Here is some general information about professional home stagers. Within the last four years, the practice of staging a home has increased to the point where a majority of homes on the market feature some sort of staging, whether it is done by a home owner or a … Continue reading