Why People Make New Year’s Resolutions

The custom of making a New Year’s resolution goes back farther than you might think! According to History.com, the ancient Babylonians are said to be the first people to make New Year’s resolutions, some 4,000 years ago. They were also the first to hold recorded celebrations in honor of the new year, which, for them, began in mid-March when the crops were planted. There was a 12-day festival known as Akitu, when the Babylonians crowned a new king or reaffirmed their loyalty to the reigning king. They also made promises to the gods to pay their debts and return any objects … Continue reading

Learning Resolutions for Your Family

January 1st: this is the time when we tend to review the past and look to the future. It feels like a bit of an arbitrary date, but any day’s a good one to reflect on your family’s learning over the course of the year. I like the concept of a personal annual review. I’ll be attempting to take on that task today, to evaluate where I’ve been and where I’m going. Today, take a few minutes to reflect on your family’s learning this year and where you’d like to go next year. During your family learning review, what should … Continue reading

Insurance Related New Year’s Resolutions

We are nearly at the end of 2011. Now that the chaos that comes with the holidays is over, people start thinking about the year to come. Have you made any insurance related New Year’s Resolutions? It might be a good idea to reassess your insurance coverage. Right now, you are likely to have at least one or two insurance policies that do not require you to make any changes. For me, this would be my auto insurance policy. I did not purchase a new vehicle in 2011, and my husband and I didn’t need to buy a second vehicle. … Continue reading

Work-Life Balance: It’s A Family Affair

Although it may seem like work-life balance is an individual issue, you may be able to achieve a better work-life balance if you approach the issue from a different perspective. The perspective that I am referring to is not upside down while doing a headstand, nor is it sitting cross-legged and gazing intently at your navel. However, if either of those two positions is how you do your best thinking then by all means go for it. All joking aside, it may be helpful to approach work-life balance from the perspective of the family as a whole. Having a family … Continue reading

Marriage and Household Roles

Having “assigned roles” in the household can make for fewer arguments in a marriage. Knowing exactly who is responsible for what can help the tasks get done and cut down on arguments. Here is how. Assigning roles In my marriage, we seem to have naturally fallen into responsibilities, although some things are done as a team, and other things seem to be done by whomever gets inspired (or tired) when a task is left undone. Most of the time, we fall into the typical gender roles that you might have expected from the 1950s. Part of the reason for this … Continue reading

Is Your Home Ready for Company?

Yesterday, we were having a quiet day at home. The kids were playing, my husband was puttering around, and I was trying to catch up with writing work that fell behind because of the holidays. We were just about to get the younger kids down for a late nap when my husband got a phone call. His best friend that he hadn’t seen in a long while was in the area. Could he stop by with his girlfriend? This was a rare chance, and there was no way that we could say no. We also would really enjoy seeing him. … Continue reading

Making Healthy and Reasonable Resolutions

It’s that time of year: time to start thinking about New Year’s resolutions. I like the idea of a fresh start for the New Year. But I don’t always stick with my resolutions. I think that’s because I try to make them too big and too broad. Know what I mean? Get in shape. Eat better. Exercise more. They’re kind of nebulous and easy to forget. According to USA.gov, the most popular New Year’s resolutions include: Losing weight/exercising more/getting into shape Eating better/eating right Managing debt/saving money Quitting smoking Reducing stress Getting a better job Getting a better education Travel … Continue reading

Home Week in Review: June 9 -15

Here are this week’s articles at a glance: Is your Home-life too busy for some Family Fun? Sometimes, even the good things in life can seem like another source of stress or feel like just another expense in growing pile of bills. It’s sad, but it happens. We just have so much going on that it can be overwhelming. It seems like there isn’t even time to relax and have a little fun. That’s when we have to get organized and make time. Dry Erase Door There are so many fun types of paint out there these days. These paints … Continue reading

Working Through Stress Together

Stuff happens, and usually when we least expect it or when we are already under pressure and just don’t think we can take any more. The unfortunate thing about becoming overwhelmed is that it is very easy to take it out on the people who are closest to us. It’s not unusual for this to occur, but it’s something we have to work to avoid. Even if you feel better temporarily after blowing off steam, it will be short lived. You’ll feel worse long term for having taken things out on your spouse. It helps to devise a system for … Continue reading

Home and Family: Stress Solutions

Every family deals with stress at times. It’s just a fact of life. Sometimes, it’s just a matter of too many things going on all at once, and getting more organized or turning down some of those activities can have a big impact. Other times, there are more pressing or serious issues at play that you may have no control over. Whatever is creating stress in your home there are some ways to help lessen its effects on you and your family. Take Care of Yourself This may be the most important piece of advice. Try to avoid letting stress … Continue reading