Single Parenting: Feeling Safe

One of the biggest fears when you go from being with someone to being single is feeling safe. The house is strangely quiet in the middle of the night or when the kids are away. You hear every little thing and often jump in the middle of the night at the slightest of noises. You feel as if you cannot relax and have an alcoholic beverage or any type of medication that would alter your perception in any way. What if there was a fire? Would I awake to the alarm or the smell of the smoke? What if someone … Continue reading

Vet Offices and Surveillance Cameras

I got to thinking about something I haven’t seen in any vet offices since we moved from Phoenix: surveillance cameras. Observations on Vet Offices I specifically got to thinking about it last Thursday when I took Murph to the specialist for a consult on his paw. I had never been to this particular veterinary practice. I’ve really only been to two other vet offices since we moved to Nashville: Southside Animal Hospital and Banfield in Petsmart when I found Tabby. This new-to-us office was much like any other vet practice. There was a reception desk and a waiting room, and … Continue reading

Home Monitoring Systems For The Sick Or Elderly

I am very blessed to still have my grandparents in my life. However, they are no longer spring chickens and they are often the source of worry for me (and my parents who live a few miles away from them). The fact is, whether you live in the same house as your elderly loved ones or thousands of miles away (like I do), their health and well being is likely a major concern. Which is why I instantly fell in love with a new product that allows you to monitor mom and dad or grandma and grandpa from your own … Continue reading

Home Week in Review: December 3 – 9

This week, Marjorie started us off with, Your Holiday Notebook: Part Three, continuing her series on holiday organization. Michele finished up the week with, Inexpensive Ways To Set A Festive Holiday Kids’ Table, which included some fun ideas. We also talked about letters to Santa, Seeing Santa, and Sending Christmas Cards, as well as some decorating tips for the holidays. There were also some terrific tips for cleaning everything from pots and pans to coffee makers and other small appliances. We’ve all been pretty busy, so the list is a little shorter this week. You have probably been busy as … Continue reading