Tips For Saving For A Rainy Day

For the past two days I have been cooped up inside because it is raining. What does this have to do with money? Well, there is always the popular saying “saving for a rainy day”. The phrase implies that it is important to set aside money now so that we will have it available when we need it later. There are many unplanned expenses that can come up, and having a “rainy day” fund can help to lessen the impact on your regular budget when, say, the hot water heater breaks or you suddenly find yourself jobless. In the current … Continue reading

Spring Break Snapshots

I can’t get Pink’s “Raise Your Glass” out of my head. Only, when I think of my upcoming spring break photo shoot in Chicago, I contemplate changing “glass” to “camera” and using it as my theme song. I’m just a few weeks away from job shadowing a portrait photographer in one of the most photographed metropolises in world. I can’t wait. I love Chicago and getting the chance to shoot outdoors in the Windy City with one of my favorite pro photographers is an opportunity of a lifetime. Of course, Chicago is not the only place in the world that … Continue reading

Useful Tips For Lowering Your Utility Bills

Whether you own or rent, chances are that you pay for at least some utilities like heat and electricity. The prices on things like oil, gas, wood, and electricity can fluctuate and make for an unpleasant surprise when your utility bills come in the mail. Regardless of the current price for your utilities, it is always good to reduce your utility costs as much as possible because you probably have plenty of other things that you could spend your money on. Today, I’ve rounded up three tips that can help you save money on your utility bills. For example, did … Continue reading

Your Water Heater Release Valve

The other night, temperatures dropped below freezing. We were snug in our wee little beds and didn’t realize how cold it was getting outside. When we woke up the next morning, we had no hot water. We thought our pipes had frozen and figured that when the sun came up all the way, things would start to thaw out and we’d be back in business. But no such luck. We left the faucet fully on, just waiting for it to break through. And waiting. And waiting. My husband did some investigating and discovered some dripping water in a pipe under … Continue reading

Helpful Household Tips 2

Are you ready for more tips? I’ve been dusting off my magazine archive to pick out the best household tips I’ve seen in print as well as some of my own that have worked well for me over the years. Isn’t it amazing how little helpful hints can make a big difference in a task? If you missed the first collection of tips, you can click here: Helpful Household Tips. Saving Cut Flowers When your bouquet of flowers it looking pretty sad, you can still make use of whatever remaining blooms are left. Snip off any flowers that still look … Continue reading

Helpful Household Tips

Often, I come across many useful and fun household tips that are too short to use in a dedicated blog posting. These may be things that help you save time, save money or make things nicer in your home. Because the tips are too good to let go to waste, I’ve assembled them here in one place, so I could share them with you. Please let me know which tips are your favorite ones, and please also add your own helpful household tips below by leaving a comment. Many of the following tips were inspired by the print version of … Continue reading

Hot Water Heater Tips

Maintaining your hot water heater now can save you a big surprise later. You don’t want to have an unexpected flood in your basement (or wherever your heater is located). Nor do you want to be faced with a large bill for replacing the whole system when you aren’t prepared. Losing hot water in the middle of winter could be a big problem! If you have a hot water heater, you’ll want to review the following tips. Make it a point to check your hot water heater on a regular basis. Just a simple glance at it while you are … Continue reading

Hotels: How Green is Too Green and Living Like Indy

I’m all about saving the planet. I recycle and do what I can to conserve of electricity and water. And whereas I have never stayed at an eco-friendly resort, I know they exist and applaud their efforts in preserving the Earth. However, I recently ran across an email sent to me from someone who has contact with the Green Hotels Association and I began to wonder: How green is too green? The eco-friendly lodging group has a few tips for travelers like you and me. They recommend that “beyond demanding green services, we well-intentioned travelers should call ahead to request … Continue reading

Hot Days (and Hot Dogs) Ahead

The temperature yesterday was in the 70s in the Portland, Oregon area. By tomorrow, forecasts are calling for temperatures in the 90s! It looks to me like summer is coming… and coming fast. Dealing with the heat is somewhat easier for people than for pets. After all, we have thumbs for turning on the air conditioning… or the option of escaping to a cool, dark movie theater when the sun is too much. Some dogs do love the sun and heat, though. My brother’s American Staffordshire Terrier Lily Biscuits just loves sunshine. She’ll sprawl out on the warm concrete sidewalk … Continue reading

Free Hot Water

Sometimes you can get really creative when the situation requires it. Here is a great tip I learned from someone who had temporarily run out of heating oil. Fortunately it was in the summer, so there was no fear of freezing to death. Unfortunately, because it was during the summer, there was no rush for the oil company to rectify the situation immediately, leaving the family without hot water for two days. While they could heat hot water on the stove as necessary, this method was cumbersome and no doubt cost them some money to run their stove so often. … Continue reading