Freeing Yourself From Clutter

I am not a hoarder although at times I do have way too much fabric. I don’t like the look of clutter or how it makes my house feel. I don’t understand hoarders, and there are many benefits of not being surrounded by clutter. People who help others declutter for a living say that clutter creates stress because the human mind is not meant to deal with so much constant stimulation. When you clear out the clutter it’s almost like a sigh of relief. It visually opens up the space and makes it restful to look at instead of stressful. … Continue reading

How to Cut Down on Junk Mail Clutter

I wonder how much time that we spend on a monthly basis dealing with junk mail clutter? Kitchen counters or desks piled high with the stuff, late fees on bills that got lost in the piles, time spent sorting through it all.Think about how the minutes can add up to hours or even days in the course of the year. Junk mail can be a big source of clutter. No one really wants to deal with it, especially if we are collecting it right before we walk in the door after a long day of work or dealing with the … Continue reading

Easy Tough Love Tips for De-cluttering

While getting rid excess stuff seems like an easy thing to do (just start in one place and keep going), for many of us de-cluttering is tough to do. From not knowing where to start to having an emotional attachment to our stuff, we can be our own worse enemies when it comes to having an organized home. One thing that may help in your de-cluttering efforts is to practice some tough love with yourself. Practicing tough love means that you establish certain rules for yourself and then follow them most of the time. Notice I said most of the … Continue reading

Three House Rules that Will Eliminate Clutter

Having these house rules in place will make sure that certain clutter just pretty much takes care of itself. I’ve been on a kick to eliminate clutter and keep things organized. Being less than a hundred percent lately showed me how quickly a home can build up the clutter without constant vigilance. Fortunately, having some house rules in place can keep the clutter down on a daily basis. Kids Artwork When new artwork is completed or brought home from school, post one or two to the fridge, bulletin board or wall. The old artwork should be taken down and then … Continue reading

It’s Time to Get those Cars into the Garage

How many of us actually use our garages for our cars? Usually the garage is more of a home storage space for toys, tools and yard equipment. Here are some steps you can take to reclaim your garage. When organizing a space and removing clutter, you really have to start from scratch. Pick a nice sunny weekend, lay some tarps out on the driveway or lawn, and remove everything from your garage. You can go ahead and sort it into piles if you like, as you remove it. Sweep and clean the floor and any shelves if you have them. … Continue reading

It’s A Never Ending Job

Walking in the door from work today I was sorting the mail, junk, bills, recycling, Kohl’s coupons. I let the dog out and emptied my lunch bag, trash in the trash can, dishes in the sink to wash later. I ran upstairs to use the restroom (over sharing, I know) while in there I noticed the toilet paper roll holder needed dusting, so I dusted it. I washed my hands and wiped the sink off, grabbed the towels from yesterday and threw them in the laundry. As I moved through the house doing all the things I do when I … Continue reading

Owning Less is an Uphill Battle

Lately I have been exploring the idea of owning less–really owning less, cutting down our possessions by up to 70 percent, I can see how having less stuff in our lives would give us less stress. There is less to maintain, less to clean, less to spend money on, less to worry about. Then I try to look at reality. For example, this week, my so needs water shoes for a class trip and my daughter needs a gray shirt for a show she is in at school. Two more possessions that need to come in to the house. The … Continue reading