How to Deal with Frozen Pipes

Frozen pipes can be a nightmare with flooding and major damage to your home. There are plenty of preventive measures to take in order to prevent frozen pipes, but what if your pipes do freeze, in spite of your care, or during a time when you are away from your home? What can you do? Here are some steps that you can take to keep things from becoming worse. Pipes can freeze even if you are currently living in the home. Poor construction can leave pipes exposed to the elements. I learned this one time while renting a home in … Continue reading

What to Do When Your Pipes Freeze–Mitigate Your Losses!

Frozen water pipes aren’t life threatening, however frozen or broken water pipes do cause damage to homes each winter. Homeowner need to take steps to avoid freezing damage to their house, inside and outside. For information about steps homeowners need to take to avoid the possible catastrophic losses caused by broken water pipes be sure to read the Blog, Don’t Let Your Pipes Freeze-Tips to Avoid Home Water Damage. When the pipes in the walls of a house aren’t properly insulated, they can and often do freeze and rupture. Ice expands and needs more space then water and a small … Continue reading

Winter Safety Tips

Winter weather can be very serious. Several parts of the United States regularly experience freezing temperatures and large amounts of snow every winter. This kind of weather may look pretty in photos, but it can be dangerous to have to live in and deal with. Here are some winter safety tips that can help keep you, and your family, safe this winter. Snow Removal Safety The National Safety Council (NSC) has some safety tips regarding snow removal. They advise that people who are over the age of 40, and who are relatively inactive, should be especially careful when shoveling snow. … Continue reading

Bracing for the Winter Storm

While we didn’t exactly have a white Christmas this year, the weather is certainly making up for it today. We are battening down the hatches and waiting for what could be more than a foot of snow. Late morning, we decided to venture out to two different (by close) stores in search of winter coats that might be on sale after Christmas. We knew that the stores would probably be pretty empty. There was a light snow fall, but unlike the little bit of flurries yesterday, this one was starting to stick a bit. We didn’t find what we needed … Continue reading

Caught off Guard: Winter Weather Tips

Have you ever been caught off guard by winter weather? If you live in a climate that is generally mild, you not be prepared for a serious cold snap. You could find yourself without water due to frozen pipes, and even worse, you could end up having to replace broken pipes due to freezing. Foam Pipe Wrap Foam pipe wrap is just a simple foam tube, split down one side, with adhesive to hold the edges together once it’s placed on the pipe. It’s easy to use and inexpensive, and it might just save you from dealing with frozen pipes … Continue reading