How to Get a Free TV

In the Romans household, we teach them to be frugal at a young age, so my eldest son was excited to tell me a related story when he got home from school yesterday afternoon. His best friend’s family recently got a very large flat screen television for free. A free TV is pretty good. The family went out to purchase their new television and paid full price. They then took it home and hooked everything up. With the first show they watched, they noticed a small red line in the middle of the screen. It wasn’t something glaring or overly … Continue reading

Three Recipe Ideas for Overripe Fruit

You may have heard me say this before. Americans routinely toss out 25 percent of their food! Can you believe it? A good portion of that waste can be attributed to produce that goes bad before it can be used. Here are three recipe ideas that you can use to use up overripe fruit instead of tossing it out. There are other ways we waster food. We just tossed a huge bag of chocolate chips (my kids will eat whole wheat and flax as long as it has chocolate chips in it) because of our recent mouse problems. Boy did … Continue reading

How to Get Rid of Mice, Romans Family Style

It never fails. Every spring it seems that something finds its way inside our house and then promptly passes away. Since our home is in the middle of the woods, this tends to be inevitable. We are veterans in the war against unwelcome visitors. We’ve learned to ferret out their places of entry and close them up tight. This last hunt and discovery, however, had even us surprised. The notice that a little friend had entered started with some scratching noises. I told my husband to get ready. My eldest son was convinced the noise must have been coming from … Continue reading