More Filters to Change

Just when I think I could possibly be getting on top of things, along comes something else. I’m running horribly behind this month due in part to a dog I rescued who has terrible separation anxiety. That one little thing is making every day a cleaning nightmare, if she is left in the house, she tears up everything in sight, if she is put in a crate she drools so much from anxiety that a river meets me when I get home. The joys of having a pet. Anyway, on to the point of this post, I thought I had … Continue reading

Secondary Source of Heat: Emergency Heat

According to a recent survey sponsored by a home generator manufacturer (of course), almost half of all Americans are in jeopardy because they live in an area with extreme winter weather yet do not have a secondary heat source. A secondary heat source is important in the event that you lose your primary hear source, such as when the power goes out. Many non-electric heat sources, such as an oil furnace, still rely on some electricity to run. You don’t want to be caught without heat, especially if your household includes the very young or the elderly. Beside loss of … Continue reading

Remembering What You Need

I used to get so frustrated when I went to the store and was reminded of something I needed and didn’t know the size! Furnace filters are the worst. It never failed, every time I remembered to buy them I forgot what size. I needed a better way to keep track of this stuff. One day I went around the house and made a list of all the things I needed to buy, only occasionally, so I would always have the numbers. I carry a day planner in my purse so it was easy to write this information on a … Continue reading

How to Prepare for a Winter Storm: Items to Have

A winter storm can be relatively mild, with just a moderate snow that keeps you indoors for a few hours, to blizzard-like conditions that lasts for several days, making it impossible to travel and knocking out power and other utilities. Sometimes you have adequate warning about a sever winter storm, while in other cases, conditions can worsen quickly and unexpectedly. Being prepared means that you will be ready when a winter storm hits. Here is a list of the items that you should have in your home to prepare for a winter storm. At least a three-day supply of water … Continue reading

Let Us Help You Be Prepared

There are so many reasons that you should make sure that you, your family and your loved ones are prepared. From natural disasters and terrorist activity, to economic depression and food shortages, to medical emergencies and health threats to unexpected job loss and a change in resources, the odds of you coming out alright increases greatly when you have done some preparation in advance. Being prepared does not mean being scared. In fact, it is the opposite. Knowing that you have a plan and the resources to get through the unexpected can really give you peace of mind. What is … Continue reading

How to Buy a Generator

With snow and ice blanketing or threatening to blanket most of the country, it is important for home owners to be prepared. Being without power can mean living with out electricity, water and heat, and this could be deadly in some cases. One purchase that may be a good investment, depending on where you live, is a private generator that can replace your source of electricity when your power fails. There are different types of generators, from small portable ones for a few essential services to large whole home ones that automatically switch over in the event of a power … Continue reading

Home and Family: Winter Storms

As parts of the country endure severe winter storms, it is important to remember that even if these storms don’t directly affect your home and family, you never know when extreme weather may occur. Freezing temperatures in California have recently destroyed citrus crops. Flooding has also been a big concern. Even in areas of the heartland where people expect low temperatures, wind, ice, and snow in January, the recent storms have proven devastating. Sadly, over 50 people are known dead due to recent winter storms. Many are without power in freezing temperatures, and even with gas heat, blower motors on … Continue reading