How to Prepare Yourself for Decluttering

Decluttering can be a difficult thing to do, physically, mentally and emotionally. If you aren’t prepared for the task at hand, you may find yourself giving up early or not knowing where to start. A successful decluttering, whether it is one room or your whole house, starts with some preparation. Let us start with the emotional piece. Letting things go can certain stir up some emotions. Give yourself a pep talk about how you can let things go. Don’t focus too much on individual items but on the end results of your decluttering project. Imagine your beautiful living room, your … Continue reading

Three Hidden Benefits of an Organized Home

If you need more motivation to stay organized and put in some extra effort to have an organized home, just review the following. There are at least three hidden benefits to having an organized home. More Time with Friends and Family When your home is organized it takes less maintenance not more, believe it or not. A home where everything has its place and quick cleaning routines are established leaves plenty of extra time that might otherwise be spent looking for items or doing frantic marathon cleaning sessions. Also, organized homes will have less clutter to deal with. Fewer possessions … Continue reading

Time To Do A House Scrub

Is your home ready for the holidays? Mine certainly isn’t. I’ve been trying to get ready, slowly, but sadly, I’ve not accomplished much. I really need to get ready for company. We usually host Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner, sometimes a Christmas party as well. We don’t always do those on the designated day because we want our friends to be able to celebrate the holidays with us without having to choose between us and their families. Before the stream of people, I need to get the house ready. For me, that means lots of decluttering. I try to keep the … Continue reading

Bathroom: An Easy Place to Declutter

If you need someplace to start in your decluttering, you might want to pick a bathroom. Usually the bathroom is an easy room to attack. Plus, since many medicines and cosmetics are kept here, decluttering the bathroom can also be very good for your health and the health of your family! Start with the easiest stuff, the half open bottles of shampoo and conditioner, the hair spray that you used once, the various potions and lotions and creams that got pushed to the back of the cabinet, drawer, or shelf. Next, attack any make up that might be in the … Continue reading