I Made a Stocking Hanger Today

Yesterday, I was trying to figure out what to do with the Christmas stockings. We don’t have a fireplace, and I didn’t know where to hang them. I made a stocking hanger from a coat rack once, but I wanted something different, since I bought new stockings this year. We put our names on them with glue and glitter. They turned out nice and it was a fun family project. So, we had to have something new to go with our new stockings. I had a scrap piece of 4” x 4” wood about 30” long and I thought it … Continue reading

Home Week in Review: December 17 – 23

Sometimes, our articles run in themes. This week’s review revolves around just a few categories, from tips for cleaning furniture, and bathroom articles that include cleaning and decorating tips, to holiday articles. Oh, and one article on design styles as well. So, here are this week’s articles arranged by categories: Cleaning Furniture: Cleaning Upholstery: How and Why The upholstery in your home needs your attention just as much as anything else, except for maybe children, pets or in-laws. Here are some hopefully helpful tips on how to maintain your upholstery so that it will actually smile when you approach (and … Continue reading