Organize Your Mornings: Get Clever with Clothing

Continuing the series, In Pursuit of More Organized Mornings… Well, we have to get dressed each and every morning, but does it really have to be an exercise in frustration? No, it doesn’t, and there are some ways to make it a much more organized process. Preparing clothes the night before, or getting the entire week’s worth of clothing ready over the weekend, will give you a great head start. Organized Outfits Instead of placing clothes in dresser drawers according to the type of clothing, you may want to try a different idea, especially for children. Match pants and shirts, … Continue reading

In Pursuit of More Organized Mornings

We know that getting organized makes each day less stressful, and that includes the morning rush. When everyone is rushing around getting ready to begin a new day, the home environment can get a little crazy. Organization makes a big difference. If everyone can follow a system for getting ready, and no one is running around looking for his or her belongings, mornings will be much more pleasant. Everyone will also have a better chance of getting where he or she needs to be, on time. Stick to the System Sit down with family members or roommates and devise a … Continue reading

Make Lunch-making Easier

Don’t you just hate it when you’re about to walk out the door and suddenly you remember that one or all of your kids need lunch? While we usually try to handle this kind of stuff ahead of time, sometimes the time just gets away from us. As we’re signing papers and putting up ponytails, finding jackets and zipping backpacks, we realize that lunches need to be made and the bus will arrive (or we need to be in the car) in a matter of minutes. Of course, making lunches the night before is a great strategy when you have … Continue reading

Home Week in Review: February 18 – 24

They say change is good. Change is healthy. Change is important. Each of these is often true, but change can also sometimes be sad. We have gone through some changes recently here at, and with those changes, people have been moved around, and some have left us. Unfortunately, Marjorie Dorfman won’t be here any longer and I bid her a fond farewell. She has given us some great articles over the past year, so I hope everyone will continue enjoying the articles she has posted previously. Michele is still here but after this month, she will be busy with … Continue reading