Protecting Your Household Inventory

We have had several big fires here lately in Utah. A combination of no rain and many, many people living closely together in the desert is a recipe for disaster. Because we live in such a dry climate, homes go up quickly. Recently two were lost when a tree fell on a power line and sparked a fire. The responders said the homes went up so quickly that if anyone had been at home they might not have gotten out. Then there have been several out of control wild fires that have burned homes and cabins. Many people were evacuated … Continue reading

Book Review: No Biking in the House Without a Helmet

I just finished one of the most delightful books I have read in a long time, “No Biking in the House without a Helmet” by Melissa Fay Greene. It is the story of an everyday, Jewish family who decides to expand from having four biological children to eventually nine, through adoption. There are a couple of interesting threads you get to follow through the story. The first is the process of adoption. While everyone’s story is different, it gives you a good feel for what it might be like. What especially struck me were the initial feelings of that first … Continue reading

Insurance Blog Week in Review – Week of April 15-21, 2012

Every week, the Insurance Blog Week in Review gives you a quick and easy way to “ketchup” on everything that hit the blog in the past seven days. There can be anywhere between 12 and 14 blogs that will appear. What did you miss this week? My Quest to Find Affordable Health Insurance is Finished Finally! I have found a health insurance policy that I can actually afford! I review the steps from uninsured, (when I lost my job and my health insurance in 2009), to insured in 2012. The Insurance Podcast Roundup went up on April 16, 2012. This … Continue reading

If You Want An Organized House, You Have To Make A Few Messes

Is it just me or do you have to make a mess to get things organized? Since Hailey moved out a week ago I’ve been rethinking the use of my house. When I bought this house almost four years ago I had big plans. Although it was a big house for just the two of us, I was an optimist, I believed that soon I would get married again and this house would be big enough for everyone. Now it’s just Clementine and I and I need to figure out what to do with all this house! Due to the … Continue reading

The Never Ending List

I’m a list maker. I make lists of everything, sometimes when I’m going especially crazy, I make lists of my lists. I know how crazy that sounds but if I write something on a list I can keep it from taking up space in my head because I know the list is keeping track of it for me. The feeling of accomplishment I get when I get to cross things off my list, well, it makes me feel like a I have a little bit of control over my sometimes chaotic life. Maybe that’s why I dislike housework. Sure there … Continue reading

Keeping House in the Age of Distraction

I admit it. I’m distracted. There’s this thing that starts with an F and another that starts with a T. Let’s just say that they exist on the computer. Something to do with social networking, I think. There’s email, of course. Lots of that. Oh, and there are all of these blogs. Lots of them. And then there are the news articles, so many interesting tidbits of interesting things that I should definitely know about. I’m an information junkie, and I’m a mom. I’m also the one who does the bulk of the homemaking duties in our house. It’s a … Continue reading

Is a House Ever Finished?

Are you living in a home that you feel is completely finished? Are all of the repairs, painting, decorating and landscaping are done? If you are, well then I want to meet you and shake your hand. I’ve never gotten to the point where I have felt that a home I’ve lived in was ever finished. Part of my problem, I realize, is that I keep finding myself living in a house known as a “fixer upper.” These homes have a long way to go before they are finished. Out last home came close. I would say that it was … Continue reading

Multitasking: Good For House, Good For Baby

My daughter has an insatiable curiosity these days. She wants to know what everyone is saying, doing, eating, and holding. She wants to touch and taste anything and everything she can get her drool-covered hands on. Gone are the days when I would hold her on my lap and expect whatever food or drink was in my hand to remain untouched. These days I constantly have to be on a guard. I’ve always made a point to talk to her and explain everything I am doing, such as “Now Mommy is pouring the hot water into the mug for her … Continue reading

Do they have to eat EVERYTHING?

I picked up my daughter from drama/dance camp yesterday afternoon and as she complained about being hungry all the way home (the complaining got louder when we passed McDonalds), I decided to make dinner early. I took two huge chicken breasts (totaling about a pound) out of the refrigerator and painstakingly cut them into paper thin slivers. I seasoned the meat and sauteed it in olive oil, then made my daughter a nice sandwich on a hamburger roll that she topped with barbecue sauce. She asked for more when she was done and I gave her more meat, but said … Continue reading

An Alzheimer’s Side Effect I Never Expected

I talk about Alzheimer’s disease a lot here in the Health Blog because it is slowly stealing my grandmother from us. When I’m faced with a problem, my first urge is research. I try to learn what I can (and when it is health related, share it here). So I’ve read a lot about Alzheimer’s disease — the different stages, the history, the treatments, and even some famous people who are dealing with it. But all my research didn’t warn us about this: as my grandmother has progressed through the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease, she’s packed on a lot … Continue reading