Is that Cream Cheese or a Science Experiment?

Whoops, I just wound up throwing out unopened food that I forgot about, wasting money. Don’t you hate it when that happens? Usually, we are pretty good in this house about cleaning out the fridge and using up items before they expire or go bad. Most Americans throw out about 25 percent of the food that they buy. That is a huge percentage, and I’ve always strived to not be part of that statistic. Our household budget is tight as it is, and the price of food is going higher and higher every moment, it seems, so why waste any … Continue reading

Thinking about Becoming Minimalist

As our daily lives seem to be becoming more and more hectic, with so much to do and to take care of, I’ve been seriously considering becoming a minimalist. I’m inspired by photos of folks who can fit their entire belongings in just a small part of one room, although stacked up, and others who say that practicing minimalism leaves them free to enjoy the more important things and to enjoy life. I can probably get my husband on board–at least on the surface. There is the fact that he has these huge ancient speakers and an old Apple Newton … Continue reading

Are You Wasting Money on “I Really Should” Things?

Do you want to save some money this month? Eliminate some of those “I really should” things. Make your money work for you and get practical purpose or pleasure out of every dollar that you spend. By eliminating the “I should” things, you eliminate the waste, allowing you to use that money on the thing that are really important. What are the “I really should” things? These are items that you think you should have or do, but when it comes down to it, you don’t. What do I mean by this? Take a look at some of the more … Continue reading

It’s Time to Clean Out the Fridge for Savings

This post is part of the “Food Waste Challenge.” Learn more about it here. Has it been a while since you’ve done a big refrigerator clean out? Without opening the fridge door, can you tell me basically what is in there? If you don’t know what you have in there then you could be throwing away money. Let’s make it a priority this week to really find out what is in there and use it up before it becomes so many mini science experiments. Off of the top of my head, I just know that there are some things in … Continue reading

Kids’ Presidents’ Day Party

Many of you are probably home with your kids this Presidents’ Day, wondering what to do on this school holiday in a month when the weather tends to be raw. Many kids don’t really understand what a President does. This year, because of all the publicity surrounding a close election and the first African-American president, they may have a greater idea—but still, what the president actually does is likely to be a mystery. The following websites have information and activities geared to kids: lots of learning plus White House tours, information on presidential pets, and more: Social Studies for Kids … Continue reading

Pantry Challenge: How Have I “Bean?”

What is a Pantry Challenge? Click here to find out. It is Sunday today. The pasta with tomato soup went over really well on Friday night. I’m going to put that recipe down as very easy to make and kid-friendly. For yesterday, there was nothing much to report. We did make breakfast from a pantry item. it was a box of Vermont organic pancake mix. I bought this mix on clearance for 50 percent off of $1.57. I used the mix to make a double batch of pancakes (leftover pancakes make great snacks, especially when you put peanut butter on … Continue reading