Clean Your Kitchen, Get New Appliances

Did you know that it is Whirlpool’s “Kitchen Clean Up Month?” Apparently it is the third annual one but since I’ve never heard of it, it’s news to me! An entire month to clean the kitchen, the only thing better would be if they sent someone to do it for me. The idea behind this is that since the kitchen is the busiest and messiest room in the house, we need to take the time to clean and organize it. The kitchen really does take most of the abuse in your home and most of us use it for just … Continue reading

Is Your Fridge Eating Electricity?

Recently I was the delighted recipient of a new fridge and stove. I was delighted because our old fridge didn’t work very well and was so broken inside that a piece of ancient, jagged plexiglass was holding up our vegetables. In spite of the state of our old fridge, I must admit to feeling slightly guilty about getting a new one. I’ve never gotten a new fridge and stove before. I’ve always repaired the old ones. However, the fridge and stove were just barely usable and were getting to be beyond repair, even if we really, really wanted to repair … Continue reading

3 Easy ways to Lower Your Electric Bill

Here are some sure wire ways to lower your electric bill. Try one of them or all of them. The more you do, the more energy savings you will have. Here is a quick checklist. Go around your home and see what you can easily tackle. The effort will result in extra money in your bank account. Install dimmer switches Every time you dim your lights, you use less energy and extend the life of your light bulbs. Just think, dimming them by a mere 10 percent will shave 10 percent off of the energy that light uses. I love … Continue reading