Remodeling On A Budget—The Kitchen

I love strolling through home improvement stores and taking mental notes of all of the luxuries I hope to add to my own home… when I win the lottery. Kidding aside, I often bemoan the fact my house lacks the luxurious updates that my friend’s enjoy. I figured it would take nothing short of a financial miracle for me to add the improvements I dreamed of. However, last month I learned how wrong I was. One of the dad’s in my daughter’s playgroup is an architect who happens to have the inside track on how to make remodeling more affordable. … Continue reading

Kitchen Guide–Food Storage Part 2

In my previous blog “Kitchen Guide-Food Storage Part 1” I provided a list of the best places to store food so they stay fresher, taste better, and deliver more health benefits. Obviously, the refrigerator is an important tool when it comes to food storage. But, as I have learned (the hard way) in order to prolong the shelf life of certain foods, it takes more than just opening the fridge and randomly throwing products in. By putting food items in the “proper” place, you not only extend their shelf life, you also maximize the value of your refrigerator. Top Shelves … Continue reading

Keep Food Fresh Longer

I could just scream. I just threw away a container of fresh strawberries that cost me early $4. What a waste. I bought them on Sunday and when I went to use them today there were maybe four berries that were worth saving. Granted, it’s not strawberry season, but still, for $4 you’d think I could have salvaged a few more. I did examine the container before purchasing it and can’t understand how they spoiled so quickly. I know I’m not alone in my frustration. According to one consumer advocacy group, the average American discards $300 worth of fresh produce … Continue reading

Happy National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day!

Happy National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day! Today (what’s left of it anyway) is dedicated to the chore most of us dread to undertake. I realize that in most time zones the day is almost over, but if you are anything like me then cleaning the frig is more of a week long process than a day long one, so why not turn the event into a multi-day “celebration.” What’s more, the day was created to fall near Thanksgiving to inspire all of us to clean out our refrigerators to make room for the turkey and all of the fixings. … Continue reading