How Clean is Your Kitchen?

We all worry when we go out to eat, is the kitchen clean? Do the employees follow good hygiene and cleanliness standards? Everyone worries about those things but restaurant kitchens are held to a much stricter standard than your average kitchen. Your biggest food concern may be right at home. Most of us know how to handle raw meat or to wash food before preparing, it’s the little things that cause the most problems. For instance, is your pet allowed in the kitchen while food is being prepared? Just quickly touching the dog, either a pat on the head or … Continue reading

The Kitchen Saga, Part Four

Well, today is D Day. For those non history buffs, that means Demolition Day at My House. Ok, maybe not usually, but today it does. Today I’ll drop off my daughter at school, then head back home to meet with the contractors who will spend the day demolishing our kitchen space. Goodbye, cupboards. Goodbye, flaking and rotten counter. I must admit that I am not at all sad to see it go. I’m a little sorry that it’s not reusable. If we could, we would reuse it in our basement as storage cabinets. However, the kitchen is so rotten that … Continue reading

Food Safety Tips Around the Kitchen

Do you know what the “germiest” item in your kitchen is? If you said your sponge, you would actually be wrong, although sponges (and dishrags) should be cleaned on a daily basis to ensure that they are not harboring bacteria. It might surprise you to know that the biggest germ spreader in your kitchen is actually your can opener! This is because it comes in contact with both food and the outside of the cans themselves, and it is usually infrequently washed. Leftovers, especially meat, should be throughly reheated before eating, especially if they have been in the refrigerator more … Continue reading

Fire Safety At Home

How safe is your home? Do you really take fire prevention seriously or do you think it couldn’t’ happen to you? My grandfather was a fireman so I know firsthand how very real house fires are and how easy it is to prevent one and be prepared should one happen. *Change your smoke detector batteries twice a year. I use daylight savings as my reminder but you could use any two dates that you will remember, set up a reminder on your calendar. *Make sure you have a working fire extinguisher in the kitchen and the garage. Replace every few … Continue reading

Time for a Safety Inspection

The application is finally completed; your references are getting their reference letters, so now what? Now you will begin going through the entire checklist. You will need to have a safety & fire inspection. If you call your local fire department they will usually come to your home and do the Fire Inspection at no cost to you. When they come out they will need to see and test working smoke detectors in each bedroom, the hall between bedrooms, the kitchen and living room. If your home has burglar bars you will not pass the inspection. You need to have … Continue reading

Pet Fire Safety

You may have already thought of how to integrate your pet into your fire escape plan, but what about fire safety and prevention? This summer the American Kennel Club and ADT Security Services teamed up for the third annual National Pet Fire Safety Day, releasing information and tips for putting together a pet fire safety plan. According to the National Fire Protection Association, pets cause approximately 1,000 home fires a year. Nearly all of these incidents occurred when the pet was left unattended at home. So while you might have your house as puppy-proofed as you think you need to … Continue reading

Do Your Kids Help in the Kitchen?

My 6-year-old loves to lend a hand (and a mouth) in the kitchen. The cooking classes I enrolled her in paid off in a big way, as her culinary skills are quite advanced for someone her age. Still, she has a way to go before she can whip up a five-course meal for the entire family unassisted. What’s more, she is still learning the finer points of food safety. If your kids like to assist with meal preparation, don’t let the opportunity to teach them basic health and safety tips pass you by. For example, my first grader already knows … Continue reading

Toddler Safety

Toddlers are always busy exploring the world around them. They are learning new things every day. Not only do toddlers forget what we tell them about safety, they also like the idea of exploring something that they were told not to explore. It doesn’t take long for a toddler to get hurt. In the time it takes for you to wash your hands, your toddler could drown in the bathtub or pull a hot pot off of the stove onto themselves. Danger is everywhere when you have a toddler in your home. Childproofing your home isn’t enough to avoid accidents, … Continue reading

Thanksgiving Fun in the Kitchen with Kids

My mother banned kids from the kitchen during holiday parties. While I understand why she made the area off limits during Thanksgiving and Christmas (when hot dishes were being removed from even hotter ovens and sharp knives were out in full force carving turkeys and hams), it’s not a tradition I continue in my own home. My 5-year-old daughter loves to cook and I would never rob her of the chance to contribute to our holiday meals by booting her from the kitchen. I impose a set of safety rules, but other than that I allow my budding chef to … Continue reading

Spring Home Safety Check List

Just like a person, your home needs regular check ups to ensure that it is healthy, or at least safe for you and your family. Here are some things around your home that you should check in the spring. If you have an air conditioning system, have a professional air conditioning specialist (contractor) inspect your system. This specialist should also be able to clean and maintain your system. You don’t want to have any issues with it when summer comes. Replace the filter in your furnace (if you have one). Inspect your driveway and walkway, and repair any cracks or … Continue reading