Doing Laundry With Frugal Style

Do you like doing laundry? There is something wonderful about making things clean again. Then again, there is something rather icky about that cat-vomited, kid-messy, sticky mass you shove into the washing machine. I am of two minds about laundry. Laundry can be a time suck if you let it. We only have three people (and three cats) in our family, and it takes up a bit of time. It used to take up more time, though. These days, I’m in a frugal and time-friendly laundry groove. Yeah. How can you reduce the time you spend doing laundry? Get proactive. … Continue reading

Duggar Family Has 18th Baby

By now you may be familiar with the Duggar Family, an Arkansas family with a large number of children. Today it was announced that Michelle Duggar just gave birth to her 18th child, named Jordyn-Grace Makiya Duggar. Little Jordyn weighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces and was delivered by Cesarian. This family has a thing not only for having many kids (obviously) but also naming them with names that start with the letter J. In the family, there is Joshua, 20 and now married; Jana, 18; John-David, 18; Jill, 17; Jessa, 16; Jinger, 14; Joseph, 13; Josiah, 12; Joy-Anna, 11; Jeremiah, … Continue reading

How to Save on Laundry: 10 Ways

Laundry is just a fact of life. It is one of those renewable chores that sometimes makes you feel as if you were given a test from the heavens above, since it never seems to be completed, no matter how you try. You can get all of your wash done for the day, only to be confronted by more as soon as someone comes home and changes their clothes. Since it is a task that has to be done over and over again, it makes sense to take a look at how you do your laundry in order to save … Continue reading

Home Blog Month in Review: August

Did you have a good month? We seem to have packed an entire summer’s worth of activities in this past month. Now, it seems, it is back to school and time to get ready for autumn. Still, it is nice to look back toward warm sands and wearing shorts even as we will soon be crunching leaves and taking out the sweaters. August 1st Getting Out Grass Stains With summer in full swing, chances are that your family has been playing outdoors quite a bit. And with all of that outdoor play comes the grass stains, especially if you are … Continue reading

Home Week in Review: July 28th Through August 3rd

What makes a house a home? Is it the little decorating touches, the noises of little feet stomping down the stairs in the morning or the feeling that when you enter your home you’ve left the world behind? However you define your home, you’ll find lots of ways in the Home Blog to personalize it and keep it cozy and safe. Here is a review of last week’s articles. July 28th When Remodeling, Consider the Neighbors If you are planning a remodeling project, it is important to consider the neighbors. No, not because they might complain but because their home … Continue reading

Family Home Evening

Do you have a regular Family Home Evening? This could be anything from a time of religious study to getting together to watch Shark Week. A family home evening is a way to reconnect with the members of your family. With work, school obligations, sports, academic clubs, friends and more, it can sometimes feel as though you never see each other except when driving around from one activity to the next. A family home evening can mean different things and take on different forms. The important thing is to schedule a regular time to spend together. It should be a … Continue reading

Frugal Living for Large Families

Have you seen the news today? The Duggars announced that they are pregnant with their 18th child. While that is one of the extreme example’s of large families, the truth is that many families are choosing to go larger these days. And with larger families sometimes come creative budgeting. Whether you have a larger family or are just thinking about one, here are some great tips on frugal living for large families. Food is probably one of the biggest expenses with larger families. No matter how else you chose to live, everyone wants and needs to eat. Buying in bulk … Continue reading

Large Family Laundry Solutions (2)

We have been talking about solutions to help deal with the large amount of laundry that large families generate. I already shared some ideas for making sorting laundry easier, especially when it comes to matching socks, and some ideas for establishing a routine. Now, we have some more ideas to keep that laundry flowing with less actual work Divide and conquer Calculate how many loads of laundry you do in a week and divide that number by the number of days you have available for laundry (5, 6 or 7). For example, if you find yourself doing 20 loads a … Continue reading

Sorting It All Out

I’ve been helping my friend Nancy declutter. For some people, being organize comes naturally, others have to work at it. The most important thing is to make it easy on yourself. If you have a way to sort, get rid of and throw away things they won’t pile up. Nancy’s laundry room is where everything ends up. Everything she doesn’t need goes there to die. First thing we have to do is set up some sort of system to get rid of it all. Since her laundry room is so big we are able to use storage bins for discards. … Continue reading

Marriage and Household Roles

Having “assigned roles” in the household can make for fewer arguments in a marriage. Knowing exactly who is responsible for what can help the tasks get done and cut down on arguments. Here is how. Assigning roles In my marriage, we seem to have naturally fallen into responsibilities, although some things are done as a team, and other things seem to be done by whomever gets inspired (or tired) when a task is left undone. Most of the time, we fall into the typical gender roles that you might have expected from the 1950s. Part of the reason for this … Continue reading