Making Ironing Less Drudgery

I know there are people who love to iron. They love the mindlessness of the task and the look and feel of the clothes as they are ironing. Some people find it soothing. I’m not one of those people. I only iron when I have nothing to wear, this happens rarely because I have lots of clothes that don’t need to be ironed. Usually by the time I get to the ironing basket I find clothes I’ve forgotten I own, or, and even sadder, they no longer fit. Now that it’s summer and I’m hanging all my laundry out to … Continue reading

Making Ironing Easier

Some people hate ironing, while others don’t mind it at all. Whichever the case for you, there are ways to make the task easier. Just follow some simple techniques and preparations, and you’ll be done in no time. Remove any clothes to be ironed when they are slightly damp. Fully-dried clothes have fully-dried wrinkles set in, so a slightly damp garment is easier to iron. If you use a machine dryer, set the timer or setting to leave the clothes slightly damp. If you line dry, shorten the time that the clothes hang and check them every so often. Then … Continue reading

How to Make Household Chores More Pleasant

Have you ever met anyone who really lived for cleaning? The kind of person that would give up, let’s say, going to the movies, in favor of cleaning the kitchen? Can you believe that these people actually exist? While I like a clean and organized home, I have to confess that there are many other things I would rather do than to do the household chores. But, they have to be done lest we live in dirty, messy houses. So, the trick here is to find ways to make the chores more pleasant, so they will seem to go by … Continue reading

Quick Cleaning Tools

If you have the right tools for the job, your cleaning will go much easier. Just a few quick swipes and swirls, and your cleaning will be done in no time, leaving you free to enjoy your home! Here are some of the tools you should consider having in your cleaning arsenal. An apron with pockets will not only protect your clothes, but it will serve as a handy place to keep your cleaning supplies as you travel from room to room. Because you wear the apron, you are less likely to forget items, saving you time and energy. How … Continue reading

How to Kill Dust Mites

While we don’t often think about them, the fact is that there are thousands of little creatures living with us and maybe even on us. Ew. I am talking about dust mites, and if you have allergies or asthma, you know all too well how dust mites can affect your health or the health of your family. Dust mites can make allergies and respiratory illnesses get worse. It is important to eradicate them whenever you can. Dust mites can live in all sorts of places, from your bedding to beloved family toys. Of course, they can also live in the … Continue reading

Cupcake Liners Are My Best Friend

Okay, well maybe not my best friend, but they are certainly useful. When it comes to family, those cupcake liners can really make my life easier in the kitchen and even on the road. I first discovered the wonder of cupcake liners when preparing for my son’s birthday. Not only could I use them to help decorate his castle cake (turrets anyone) but they made desert go so much easier than I expected. Everyone around her expects ice cream at a birthday party (can you blame them) either with the cake or sometime afterwards. I found that scooping out the … Continue reading