What About That Desk?

Do you have an office or study? What does the desk look like? A friend recently who visited our house took one look at my desk littered with papers and said, ‘I could never work like that.’ I’m sure she couldn’t. She’s a different nature to me. Some people need everything neat and ordered today before they can concentrate and be productive. Others of us can quite happily live with the clutter. I usually know exactly where to put my hands on what I need among the various piles of papers on desk and floor and if I don’t, I … Continue reading

Managing Stress Centers: Time Management in the Home

Yesterday I wrote about the idea of stress centers in your home: those places or times where you step in, take one look, and want to run out screaming. The rest of your house might be just fine, or even somewhat cluttered, but it feels all right. The stress centers? That’s where your clutter and your stress live. I think that the same thing occurs with time. I’ve realized over the last couple of years that there are certain times of the day that I feel stressed. The times will come as no surprise to most parents: they include leaving … Continue reading