Logic of English {Review}

  Product: Logic of English, Essentials By:  Denise Eide Published by:  Pedia Learning Ages:  7 to Adult for remedial readers Use:  Struggling or remedial readers Homeschool Method:  Any Cost:  Varies as you will created your own Essentials Kit.  Products are available in print or by PDF download. Basic Costs: Teachers Manual:  $95 (full program in print) $75 (full program PDF) Student Workbook in Cursive or Manuscript: $25 (full in print) $15 (full PDF) Spelling Journal:  $8.00 for PDF or print Basic Phonogram Flash Cards:  $18.00 (Listed as a supplement but I think you won’t want to miss it.) Features: Program … Continue reading

Cheap Ways to Freshen Your Home for Spring

While the calendar is promising spring, here it still seems like winter. I can’t wait until I am able to open the windows and let the fresh air circulate through the house for hours. It is one free way to instantly freshen up our home. While the new catalogues that come in the mail are promising all sorts of ideas for freshening up a home and getting it ready for spring, I think I am going to stick with the free and the cheap. This way I can still have a nice fresh house, but can also save my money … Continue reading

A Simple Thank You

It’s amazing the effect that those two little words can have on people. It is important to show your appreciation when someone has gone out of their way to do something nice for you. Those two words can make all the difference in your relationship. When you are in a co-parenting relationship, you are often asked to compromise and work together. This isn’t always easy, and it is often inconvenient, but you do it for the sake of your children. Can you imagine what a simple “thank you” would do here? When you forget to thank your ex for working … Continue reading

52 Fitness Changes – Part 1

Imagine how different your life would be if you made 52 fitness changes. Of course, most of us cannot even imagine such a thing. It would be too much. But what if you broke that down? Instead of making 52 changes at one time, you made one change per week? Now that sounds a bit more doable, doesn’t it? Well that is going to be my challenge for you in the next five blogs. I am going to provide a breakdown of changes you can make each week. My suggestion is that you print these blogs, so you have them … Continue reading

When Good Kids Go Bad

Acting out after a parent’s divorce is normal for many children. They are still young and haven’t yet learned how to cope with the changes they are being faced with. They may simply be trying to express their fears and frustrations, but haven’t found a way to communicate them effectively, and are thus acting out in a way to express their feelings. While you may feel guilty that your children are behaving this way, this is in no way a reflection on your parenting. Good kids make bad choices sometimes, your job is just to help guide them back onto … Continue reading

Simple Ways to Save This Summer

Be happy with what you have. That’s one of the best ways to save money, according to my dad. He used to employ that line a lot when I was in high school trying to pump him for money to buy designer jeans. Twenty years later, I see his point. When you stop looking for fulfillment in material things, it’s much easier to spend less money and find contentment in the items you already have. Of course, if you just lost 20 pounds and your pants don’t fit any more, then by all means, spend, spend, spend. Now that summer … Continue reading

Preschool Primer Part 3 – Making The Choice

Yesterday, I described some of the types of preschool curricula that parents may encounter when they are going through the process of choosing a preschool for their toddler. Curriculum is important because it gives you an idea of what your child will be doing all day and whether there is a comfortable balance between free, creative play and structured activity. Of course, choosing a preschool is about more than just the curriculum. Today I will discuss the other factors that are a part of the preschool choosing process. Basic items like cost, location, transportation, and pick up/drop off times as … Continue reading

A Simple Concept about Food

I have never been shy about sharing my struggles with food. I have an established workout routine, which I do fall away from every once-in-a-while but for the most part, I remain consistent. What gets me every time, however, is food. There are just too many things that I enjoy eating, despite the fact they aren’t good for me. So what happens is either I sabotage my efforts or I stay the same (the exercise only keeps me from gaining weight but it doesn’t result in weight loss). So lately I have been on a mission to change this. I’m … Continue reading

Checklists are a Simple and Powerful Business Tool

Have you ever heard a suggestion about something that could make your home based business run more smoothly or be more successful, only to dismiss the suggestion because it appears as though it is just too simple to make a real difference? Among the countless pieces of business advice that are out there, there are suggestions that take a bit of time, effort, and/or money to implement. Some of these suggestions may work quite well for some businesses and not at all for others. The same goes for simpler suggestions. They work wonders for some businesses and not at all … Continue reading

Small Changes That Can Make a Big Difference

With all of the attention that big-picture financial issues like the debt ceiling, social security, retirement planning, the real estate market, and so on, it can sometimes seem like the small financial decisions that each of us make many times each day do not have all that much of an impact. Those little things do matter, though, because both the good things and the bad things add up over time. By recognizing that even small financial decisions can greatly affect out big picture financial situation, we can learn to treat those every day choices with more care. Suze Orman, a … Continue reading