Simple Toys, Simple Joys: Playing with Balls

We have plenty of toys that make noise at our house, have numerous buttons, light up at a toddler’s touch, quiz you on the alphabet and sing songs. But, I am often reminded by my own kids that the simple toys are the ones that really make memories. Although the weather outside is still cold here in pennsylvania, the sun is bright today. It filled our living room turned playroom into a bright cheerful space. These are the best days to get down on the floor and explore the toy box (or should I say boxes, since in our house … Continue reading

Home Blog Month in Review: August

Did you have a good month? We seem to have packed an entire summer’s worth of activities in this past month. Now, it seems, it is back to school and time to get ready for autumn. Still, it is nice to look back toward warm sands and wearing shorts even as we will soon be crunching leaves and taking out the sweaters. August 1st Getting Out Grass Stains With summer in full swing, chances are that your family has been playing outdoors quite a bit. And with all of that outdoor play comes the grass stains, especially if you are … Continue reading

Mixing Up Toys

It used to drive me crazy when my kids were little and they would mix up all the different “types” of toys in their big, elaborate, imaginary games. I went to a lot of trouble to create and label separate bins for legos, blocks, play food, etc. and then my kids would mix and match when they actually played with the toys. Turns out that all that mixing and matching actually makes for smarter, more creative kids! My need for organization not withstanding, mixing up “media” or “genre” is actually a good thing and helps kids develop problem-solving and higher-level … Continue reading

Playing up the Playroom

Decorating your child’s playroom may be one of the most fun room makeovers you’ll ever do. Even if you go for a sophisticated look, you’ll obviously still want to add some whimsical touches, since it is after all a “play” room intended for good times. You don’t have to be particular and fussy when it comes to this space. You can be as daring as you like, because kids love funky, brightly colored, interesting objects. Furnishings and accessories don’t need to follow any rigid rules; they just need to come together to fashion an inviting place to play, create, and … Continue reading

A Day In The Life Of A Stay At Home Parent

I am sure that anyone who is the parent of a toddler can probably relate to at least some of what goes on at my house. Sometimes, though, I find myself sitting here in disbelief thinking things like “Did that really just happen?”. Then I laugh. Of course it just happened. Being a mom is a lot of different things, and interesting is certainly a word I would use to describe motherhood. Some people ask me whether I get bored, hanging out at home all day with the kids. Since there’s never a dull moment here, there is no time … Continue reading

Every Day Is Different

Sometimes it can be very difficult to try to figure out what contributes to whether it is going to be a good day or a challenging day around here. We have both good and tough days when we stay home most, if not all of the day. We also have both excellent days when we are on the go all day long and very difficult times when we are out and about. It is entirely possible that there is no rhyme or reason to it, so perhaps I should just stop trying to figure it out and simply let the … Continue reading

Old Frames Are Perfect for Children’s Artwork!

Here is a very low-cost solution to displaying your kids’ artwork that will also give your home some major decorating impact. First Gather Your Frames Most of us have a number of extra frames that we don’t know what to do with. They may have glass missing, look ugly or have paint peeling from them. Gather them into one place. If you happen to be so clutter free or organized that you don’t have any extra frames, visit your local thrift shop where you can purchase a variety of frames for very little money. Discard any unwanted photos. Prepare Your … Continue reading

New Ways Technology is Helping With Autism

There are many different forms of technology that can be used to help children who have autism. Some can be used to help a child who is on the autism spectrum to communicate with others. Some can be used to detect signs of autism in children. Others help parents learn more about their child. Right now, there are many public schools that are using iPads with students who have autism. The touch screen makes it very easy for kids to use it. Teachers can load it with apps like iPrompt which uses pictures and icons to help a child who … Continue reading

Wash Me, Please

There I was down in the basement, picking up our new playroom yet again. The kids were upstairs in the living room playing a new dance game on the Wii. They were having a lot of fun, judging from the giggling and the various stomps and booms I was hearing through the basement ceiling. I admit that I had an ulterior motive for being down in the playroom–to identify some items that could get passed on to other kids. Every once in a while, I would climb the basement stairs and ask the kids, “Hey, can we donate item x?” … Continue reading

Even the Organizers Get Pangs

“Honey where is that prepaid phone we used to have?” my husband asked yesterday. I knew that the particular phone was long gone. It was mine, I had never used it, and I checked with my husband “just in case” before I got rid of it months ago. Nevertheless, he suddenly decided that he needed it, so I was in a little bit of trouble. The problem is that I get into these de-cluttering moods where I just have to toss something. Usually it is paperwork or magazines (we get a number of them free), but many times it is … Continue reading