Planning and Preparing for Holiday Baking

I have been spending the past few days planning my holiday baking.  Each trip I make to the store, I pick up some of the ingredients. Normally my baking takes place a couple of weeks before Christmas.  But since my military son won’t be home until a couple of days before, I am doing my baking the week he is home so that he can enjoy the yummy treats. The ingredients for baking can get expensive.  So if you plan early enough what you are going to make, you can create a master list.  Then instead of purchasing everything at … Continue reading

Talking To Toddlers About Major Storms

It seems as though it has been weeks since reports about Hurricane Sandy first started to appear all over the news and all other forms of media. In reality, it has only been about a week since coverage of the storm and its anticipated path started. If you are a parent of young children, you may certainly be concerned about keeping your family safe. However, you are probably equally concerned with keeping the kids calm. When everybody is preparing for a storm like Sandy, things look and feel different wherever you go. Little ones can see and feel the differences … Continue reading

Is Your Home Based Business Ready To Weather The Storm?

As Hurricane Sandy makes its way up the East Coast, many home – based professionals are likely to be thinking about what they need to do in order to get ready for the storm. Of course, what each home – based professional has to do to prepare will depend upon where he or she is located. On the more severe end of things, people who have to evacuate their homes must decide if their work is something that they can take on the road with them, or if they must do their best to get everything stored safely away before … Continue reading

Bracing for the Winter Storm

While we didn’t exactly have a white Christmas this year, the weather is certainly making up for it today. We are battening down the hatches and waiting for what could be more than a foot of snow. Late morning, we decided to venture out to two different (by close) stores in search of winter coats that might be on sale after Christmas. We knew that the stores would probably be pretty empty. There was a light snow fall, but unlike the little bit of flurries yesterday, this one was starting to stick a bit. We didn’t find what we needed … Continue reading

Preparing for a Powerful Snowstorm 2

The snow is falling, and we are all gearing up for a snowstorm that may leave us without power and without an easy way to get out of our driveway. If you missed the first post, click here: Preparing for a Powerful Snowstorm. We do have a generator (which is also gassed up and ready to go), but we can’t attach it to everything. If we will be without power for more than a few hours, we will attach it to the heat, the well pump and water treatment system, the upright freezer and the refrigerator. This will have our … Continue reading

Preparing for a Powerful Snowstorm

All along the east coast, from Delaware through the New England state, families are bracing for a powerful snowstorm that may bring many inches of snow. Already snow has landed in Georgia, an unusual occurrence. Cities and states are declaring states of emergencies, even before the first snowflake has fallen. Here in my little part of Pennsylvania, we are expecting somewhere around 12 to 14 inches of the white stuff. While we don’t usually freak out about snow, the reality is that once you get a prediction past six inches here, it is time to make the preparations to ensure … Continue reading

Preparing for the Storm 2

(Note, although this post was written yesterday, fluctuating power caused me to make the decision to stay offline and keep my computer safe.) Have you been watching the weather for today? If you live along the east coast, you’re probably concerned about severe weather coming your way. Heavy rain, high winds and flash floods are all possibilities for many areas. In my previous post, Preparing for the Storm, I talked a little bit about how the severe weather may be affecting us soon. At the moment, our are resembles a tropical rain forest. There has been some steady, feathery rain … Continue reading

Preparing for the Storm

When you live in the woods, you have to be prepared. Gustav and Hanna have been in the news lately, as everyone pays close attention to the hurricane and severe storm watches and warnings. I have been no exception. The little weather alert has been popping up on my browser for the last two days, warning me of severe storms with high winds and possible flooding in my area. While I am not too concerned that we will find ourselves in a situation that requires evacuation, I still need to pay attention to the weather reports, especially because of those … Continue reading

Preparing for a Winter Photo Shoot

Each year I put together a photo calendar for my mom. I collect 12 pictures of my daughter and use one for each month. But, every year I run into the same problem—-I never have a snowy shot to feature in the month of January. I deduced it is simply because I rarely take my camera outdoors when it’s frigid outside (which is practically every day in January given that I live in Wisconsin). As a result, I barely have any pictures of my daughter frolicking in snowdrifts or making a snowman or a snow angel. This winter I plan … Continue reading

Are You Preparing in All Areas of Your Life?

We are commanded to prepare ourselves for upcoming trials and storms. The counsel to prepare our families both temporally and spiritually is pretty strong today. I am sure that you have thought about food storage and financial preparedness. I have also written extensively about spiritual preparedness. It is also important to consider how prepared you are physically to withstand the disasters and stress that may come your way. The Word of Wisdom gives counsel on the proper way to care for your body. We are also counseled to get enough rest and to exercise so that our body stays in … Continue reading