How to Protect Your Home While You’re Away

Leaving your home alone for any length of time, whether it is a day or a month can be a nerve wracking experience. How do you know that thieves won’t break in to your home while you are gone? Here are some tips on how to protect your home while you’re away. The best way to protect your home while you are away is to make it appear as though it is occupied, even when it is not. If thieves think that you are home, then chances are pretty good that they will not break into your home. Contact a … Continue reading

Spring Home Safety Check List

Just like a person, your home needs regular check ups to ensure that it is healthy, or at least safe for you and your family. Here are some things around your home that you should check in the spring. If you have an air conditioning system, have a professional air conditioning specialist (contractor) inspect your system. This specialist should also be able to clean and maintain your system. You don’t want to have any issues with it when summer comes. Replace the filter in your furnace (if you have one). Inspect your driveway and walkway, and repair any cracks or … Continue reading

Creating Your Home Inventory

Are you prepared if disaster strikes? One way to ensure your home possessions are safeguarded is to create and keep a home inventory. You can learn more about The Importance of a Home Inventory by clicking this link. But how can you get started with a home inventory? Here are some easy steps to take as well as a guideline on what to include. I found that for me the easiest approach to beginning a home inventory is to do it room by room. First get a three-ring binder and some old fashioned loose leaf paper. (You can also create … Continue reading

Even More Fire Prevention Tips

When it comes to protecting your home and your family from fire, you can never be too careful. Have you taken all of the precautions that are appropriate to safeguard your home? If you missed the earlier posts in this series, you can find them here: Fire Prevention Tips More Fire Prevention Tips Also, state Farm Insurance has a never of safety guidelines that are available in a little booklet. Now, let’s talk about a few more things that you can do to prevent fires in your home and help your family survive, if you do have a fire. Install … Continue reading

How to Care for Your Roof

There is a reason that people talk about having “a roof over your head.” Roofs are one of the most important parts of a house. They keep you and your possessions safe and out of the elements. A problem with your roof could lead to problems through the rest of your house. Taking proper care of your roof is essential. Here are some things you need to know about how to care for your roof. Make sure that there is good ventilation in your eaves and attic. This can extend the life of your roof because there is a less … Continue reading

Protecting Your Appliances and Electronics from Electrical Surges

Electrical surges can damage so many appliances and electronic devices in your home. You could lose your television, your DVD player, your camera, your microwave, your telephone, garage door opener, well pump and even your refrigerator. Basically, anything that is plugged in and contains some sort of electronic component or computer chip is vulnerable to an electrical surge. What is an electrical surge? This is when the voltage in your home’s electrical system increases and then returns to normal quickly. An electrical surge can be caused by lightening or buy a malfunction in the electrical system. How can you prevent … Continue reading

Lightning: Protecting Your House and Property

Lightning can strike anywhere, and in some cases without much warning. While homeowner and renter policies protect against lightning, some sensitive property such as electronic and computer equipment may not be covered the way an insured would hope. I once had to replace an electronic control for a relatively new furnace due to the electrical surge caused by a lightning strike. When it comes to lightning it’s up to each homeowner to decide how to manage this risk. Some of the most costly damage caused to personal property may not be covered, and there are ways to reduce the risk … Continue reading

Power Surge And Electrical Outages.

Homeowner and renter insurance policy holders should check their policy and be sure to understand what is and what is not covered when the power goes out. Short power interruptions often cause damage to personal property and houses. The most common and expensive damage happens when the power comes back on and a surge of electricity floods the open circuits in the house. A large blast of electricity can cause computers to lose data, electronics to overheat, malfunction of household electronic equipment such as heating systems and alarm equipment. Sometimes a surge can cause fires or the loss of electricity … Continue reading