Easy Ways to Clean Your Kitchen Floor

Over the years, I’ve tried a number of things to keep our kitchen floor clean. For a while there, it seemed like the best results and convenience were had by the most expensive systems. Fortunately, there are ways around the expense. Try one of the following ideas. The Cheapest An old fashioned floor scrub will be the cheapest. It only requires a bucket (or just a sink), some soap and something to apply the soap, from a brush to an old towel. You have to get down on your hands and knees and scrub and then rinse the floors with … Continue reading

Basic Cleaning Checklist

In trying to help my daughter be prepared to take care of her first home one big thing we needed to do was come up with how often things need to be cleaned. Unfortunately for Hailey I’m one of those mom’s who does everything herself. Hailey has no idea how often to clean the bathroom or change her sheets, it’s always been done for her. So here is a basic list I came up with to help her keep things clean. *Bathrooms should be cleaned once a week. As the germiest place in the house they really need a good … Continue reading

Different Standards of Clean

I really like a clean house, my daughter could care less, messes and disorganization do not bother her. I have tried and tried to teach my daughter to deal with clutter and messes but it’s pretty hard to deal with things that are invisible. Hailey and I are so different when it comes to what constitutes a clean home, anything out of place bugs me, she doesn’t even see it. Years of making her clean her room have brought home exactly how different our versions of clean are. When I say clean I mean dusted, vacuumed, organized, bed made, everything … Continue reading

Saving Money on Dryer Sheets

If you like to use fabric softener dryer sheets then no doubt you know how expensive they are. And it doesn’t take very long for you to go through a box of them. I have a hard time justifying the expense of the dryer sheets, maybe because I grew up without them. But, there are ways to save quite a bit on dryer sheets while still getting the benefit of the softness and freshness. Read on to find out just how you can do this. One of the easiest ways to save on dryer sheets is to cut them up … Continue reading

Really Clean Sheets

How often do you wash your bed sheets? A few years ago Oprah interviewed a “germ expert” who mentioned that bed linen should be washed in extremely hot water every 3 days. A gasp went up from the audience and it was later revealed that the majority of Oprah’s fans routinely sanitized their sheets bi-monthly. So, in case you answered “twice a month—at best” you needn’t feel bad… though you may feel itchy. According to scientists, during the night your body sheds cells, which mites live off of. What’s more, doctors say breathing those microbes in as you sleep can … Continue reading

Spring Cleaning as a Family—All at Once or Over Time?

I tend to be the sort of person who wants to jump in and get a project done all at once. That goes for spring cleaning too—I like to set aside a Saturday and just really get down to it—dredging closets, cleaning out cupboards, washing all the rugs and curtains, etc. BUT, I’ve learned over time that if it’s going to be a “family project”—I might have to adjust my own personal style and allow for not only a division of labor, but also a breaking up of the time. Working on family projects—assuming that spring cleaning IS a family … Continue reading

Cleaning Your Car

Our cars get us where we need to go but when you really think about it, what do we do for them? Do we appreciate the shine of the chrome, the sparkle of the windows and the smell of the air freshener? Do we nurture our vehicles? (It’s not enough to register them anymore.) Here are a few tips to help you keep those cars clean and happy. Engine Cleaning Prepare a mixture of 1 part waterless hand cleaner and 4 parts hot water. Pour into a spray bottle and apply the spray directly to the engine of your car … Continue reading

Cleaning Stubborn Pots and Pans

Probably the biggest contest in your kitchen will be keeping those pots and pans of yours clean. This is no easy task, and if you don’t believe me, just ask your pots. Chances are, they are just as unhappy with the way they look as you are and could stand a makeover. Consider these tips. In the long run, they will appreciate you a lot more. Pots in Particular To remove stubborn food residue from non-aluminum pots pour in a small amount of bleach and add some hot water. Let the solution sit in the pot at least 3 to … Continue reading

Doing Laundry With Frugal Style

Do you like doing laundry? There is something wonderful about making things clean again. Then again, there is something rather icky about that cat-vomited, kid-messy, sticky mass you shove into the washing machine. I am of two minds about laundry. Laundry can be a time suck if you let it. We only have three people (and three cats) in our family, and it takes up a bit of time. It used to take up more time, though. These days, I’m in a frugal and time-friendly laundry groove. Yeah. How can you reduce the time you spend doing laundry? Get proactive. … Continue reading

Organizing Baby’s Closet

One of my most dreaded tasks as a parent is dealing with clothes. I hate washing, folding, and putting them away, but I also hate the inevitable rotation that is required for baby clothes. They outgrow stuff so quickly, that it seems I am constantly organizing, and re-organizing baby clothes. What makes this task even more daunting is when you feel compelled to hang on to baby’s clothes in the event you might have another baby of the same sex. It all just exhausts me. I recently had to clean out my baby’s very tiny closet. We don’t have a … Continue reading