National Recycle the Refrigerator Day?

It seems there is a day for everything! Today is a two-fer and both will help you get your house cleaned. It is America Recycles Day and National Clean out your Refrigerator Day. Talk about double duty! Just in time to fill the fridge with Thanksgiving goodies. Go and ruthlessly toss those random containers in your fridge. Since we are also recycling today, see if you can recycle any of those leftovers into a meal for tonight. Kill two birds with one stone, the fridge gets clean and dinner is a breeze. Don’t go crazy cleaning the fridge since next … Continue reading

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

I’m a bit of a recycling nerd. I like to feel like I’m doing my part, I haven’t quite figured out how to reduce the amount of trash we generate so I’m trying to recycle and reuse as much of it as possible. Sometimes this simply means looking at things in a different way. There are many things we toss every day that can help us keep our homes a little tidier. The first one being paper towel and toilet paper tubes. How many of these does your family go through in a week? Start saving them, they have many … Continue reading

Five Ways to Reduce Your Packaging

Excess packaging is everywhere, and it has a hug impact. Just for one day, keep track of the amount of packaging you generate. Weekends are probably worse than weekdays. If you can fill a box in a couple of days of regular living, with all of your packaging, I wouldn’t be surprised. Reducing that packaging takes a little forethought, but it isn’t as hard to do as it might first seem to be. 1. Go for non-processed. Non-processed foods generally have little to no packaging. Think about produce, for example. Stay away from “bagged apples” for example and bring your … Continue reading

How to Easily Recycle

One obstacle to recycling may be actually finding the time and remembering to do it. But recycling is worth the little bit of extra effort, because it can reduce your garbage and leave you making a smaller imprint on the earth. Here are some tips on how to make it easier to recycle. One snafu that I keep running into is remembering to put the recycling out for pick up. Our company comes twice a month to gather our recycling. One of my neighbors is much better at remembering, so I ask him to remind me the day before. Circling … Continue reading

RecycleBank: Getting Paid to Recycle

Yesterday morning, there was great anticipation in our household while we expected a large arrival. I had just signed up for our local RecycleBank ( program, and we were awaiting our new large recycling container, complete with RDIF chip. Through the RecycleBank program, our household will be rewarded for recycling. The amount of recycling that we do is directly related to the number of rewards. The literature that I received said that good recyclers could earn hundreds of dollars worth of rewards in a year. The RecycleBank website and the literature about the program doesn’t go into great detail about … Continue reading

How to Recycle Crayons

Did you know that when crayons are tossed out in the garbage, they can spend almost an eternity in a landfill? Who knew that such a little think could contribute to the trash on our planet? As a household with three young children, crayons are everywhere. There are the broken ones, the ones that are of unpopular colors and the ones that get replaced when a gift of a new box of well-dressed crayons appears. Ah, it is that new crayon smell that no one can resist. There are several ways that you can recycle crayons and keep them out … Continue reading

Recycle This!

Are you ready for a few more simple tips anyone can use to help protect the environment? In a previous article, there was a tip offering a way to help stop wasting so much paper (and having so much paper clutter), by having more items sent via email instead of through the regular mail. Here are some more ways to avoid wasting paper: Guess what I’m doing right now? Well, besides typing this article. Okay, I am cutting up little pieces of paper. Yep. I’m cutting up all those notes sent home from school. At least one teacher tries to … Continue reading

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: More Painless Ways to do Our Part

Sometimes, we hardly have enough time in a day for the barest necessities. Maybe we don’t feel that we have time for extra projects. Then there are those who think the whole “green” thing is over the top, so they don’t want to go out of their way with the environmental stuff. Good news! Either way, the following options are not only painless, but some of them will even save us time and money while doing something good for the environment. It’s all good. Just Say No to Bottled Water First, it costs too much, in my opinion; it’s water. … Continue reading

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

*“Use it up; wear it out; make it do, or do without!” ~L. Reid The above quote (*from is filled with wisdom. This is the way people lived for many years. While technology can be fabulous and innovation does much to make our lives easier, we’ve become a very consumption oriented, “disposable” society. How many of us throw things away instead of re-using, recycling, or repairing them? As we begin to shift away from convenience and “disposability,” at least slightly, we’re learning more ways to make do, make things last longer, or find new ways to use things instead … Continue reading

The Third Principle of A Frugal Lifestyle: Recycle

If you can recycle, you can save money. How? Read on to find out the basics of this third principle of frugality. When we think about the word “recycle,” we often think of recycling glass and paper to help the environment and conserve natural resources. While that is certainly a big part of the principal of recycling, there is so much more to learn about it, when it comes to saving money and living a frugal lifestyle. When we talk about recycling in a frugal lifestyle, we basically mean recycling items both among our families and also with other frugal … Continue reading