Reducing the Cost of Trash Bags

There are a number of environmental reasons to cut down on your trash bags, and there are even more money saving ones, too. Today, I’m going to take a look at the later, and find you ways to cut down on the cost of trash bags. Buy fewer packaged foods. If you opt for less packaging and more whole food, then you will naturally have less trash that has to go into the trash bags. This includes the plastic bags that you might normally use to take home your fruit. Instead, make a homemade bag. Old pillow cases work great, … Continue reading

Saving Money While Reducing Clutter

So much stuff winds up in the landfills these days, I feel guilty every time I take the trash to the curb. We all do live lives of excess. Everything is readily available to us, all those little things that make life easier. Fortunately for the planet there are lots of ways to reuse things. You just have to pay attention. This will be the first in what I hope is a series of how to use things we normally throw away. Every time I clean I come across something that has outlived it’s usefulness, the challenge is coming up … Continue reading

So Much Trash

I cannot even begin to imagine the amount of trash that is generated on Christmas day. As a rule we are pretty good about reducing, reusing and recycling but Christmas comes and all our good intentions fly right out the window. Every Christmas I try to reduce the amount of trash, not only to save the planet but to save money and the amount of time it takes me to clean up after such a crazy day. I always save gift boxes from year to year, I never buy gift tags, there is always plenty of paper around the house … Continue reading

Reducing Your Trash 3

We are on a mission to reduce the amount of trash that exits our homes. With just a few changes in our lives, we can affect the amount of garbage that our families contribute to the landfills, and as a result, also save money. If you missed the earlier articles in this series, you can find them here: Reducing Your Trash and Reducing Your Trash 2. And now, here are some more ways to reduce your trash. Stay away from convenience foods, which have a lot of extra packaging. Pre-prepared food is generally less healthy for you than food that … Continue reading

Reducing Your Trash 2

Here are even more ideas to help you reduce the amount of trash that comes out of your home. You’ll save the environment, and you may even same some money, too. If you missed the earlier article on reducing your trash, called, aptly, Reducing Your Trash, click here. And now, let’s continue with tips for reducing your trash. Buy concentrated products that need to be diluted before use, such as cleaners, laundry detergents, frozen juice, fruit drinks and more. This will save on packaging, since you will be bringing less into your home. Reduce the amount of catalogues and junk … Continue reading

Reducing Your Trash

Reducing the amount of trash that your household generates is important for the planet and your family. By reducing the amount you waste, you can save money (if you pay per bag or pound of disposal) and do something good for the environment. Here are some ideas to help you reduce your garbage. Leave the plastic grocery bags at the store. Bring your own canvas bags. Sure, you can buy them, but you can also get plenty of them free as giveaways through various promotions, if you keep your eyes open. If you must take your groceries home in store … Continue reading

How I Saved $200 on a New Appliance

Some people kill plants, I kill bread machines. It is inevitable that whatever bread machine wanders into my house will wander back out into the trash. It isn’t that I am tossing the bread machines out the window or making bread in the rain, it is just that I haven’t found an appliance that will hold up to frequent use, an average of two to three times per week. We are serious about our homemade bread. Our last bread machine did pretty well, lasting almost seven years! It was a higher-end model, and we spent about $160 for it new. … Continue reading

“Nightmare” Causes Airbnb to Offer $50,000 Insurance Policy

Airbnb has created a 24/7 customer support hotline recently, after two users of the service became the victims of vandalism and theft. The company is also offering a $50,000 insurance policy to people who open up their homes to strangers through the Airbnb service, and have bad things happen as a result. Would you let a complete stranger stay in your home while you are away? I think most of us would consider that idea to be an incredibly bad one. This is basically what you are doing if you sign up as a “host” through Airbnb. The company connects … Continue reading

Avoiding Summer Sluggishness

Do you allow your kids to skip chore duty during the summer months? That was the topic du jour at a recent “Playdate at the Playground” event I attended with a bunch of other moms I hang out with on a regular basis. Once school let out for the year, slowly structure and routine slid into oblivion. Now, my mom pals say they can’t get their kids motivated to complete the simplest household tasks. Fortunately, my kid is still on track. Of course, she is just six years old and follows her chore chart religiously. I am a huge advocate … Continue reading

Time to Clear Out the Medicine Cabinet

January is a great time to get the medicine cabinet cleaned out. In fact, the American Pharmacists Association, encourages everyone to make an annual New Years clean out of their medicine cabinets. Not only will you be reducing clutter and gaining more space, but you may also be securing your health. Old medications and cosmetics can at best be ineffective and at worse be dangerous. So, pick a day this month to get ‘er done. Medicine cabinets can quickly become filled with all sorts of expired and unused medication. This is because each month, especially in the winter, can bring … Continue reading